front cover of How Effective Is Correctional Education, and Where Do We Go from Here? The Results of a Comprehensive Evaluation
How Effective Is Correctional Education, and Where Do We Go from Here? The Results of a Comprehensive Evaluation
Lois M. Davis
RAND Corporation, 2014
This report assesses the effectiveness of correctional education programs for both incarcerated adults and juveniles and the cost-effectiveness of adult correctional education. It also provides results of a survey of U.S. state correctional education directors that give an up-to-date picture of what correctional education looks like today. Finally, the authors offer recommendations for improving the field of correctional education moving forward.

front cover of Has Trust in the U.S. Intelligence Community Eroded?
Has Trust in the U.S. Intelligence Community Eroded?
Examining the Relationship Between Policymakers and Intelligence Providers
Christopher Dictus
RAND Corporation, 2024
Policy and U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) professionals have suggested that the IC is held in increasingly lower regard by some decisionmakers and that predictions have had variable success in influencing decisionmakers. Researchers explored whether and to what degree trust in intelligence predictions and national estimates has degraded over time and what factors might have driven any changes in the relationship between policymakers and the IC.

front cover of Terrorist Use of Cryptocurrencies
Terrorist Use of Cryptocurrencies
Technical and Organizational Barriers and Future Threats
Cynthia Dion-Schwarz
RAND Corporation, 2019
The success of counterterrorism finance strategies in reducing terrorist access to official currencies has raised concerns that terrorist organizations might increase their use of such digital cryptocurrencies as Bitcoin to support their activities. RAND researchers thus consider the needs of terrorist groups and the advantages and disadvantages of the cryptocurrency technologies available to them.

front cover of Olympic-Caliber Cybersecurity
Olympic-Caliber Cybersecurity
Lessons for Safeguarding the 2020 Games and Other Major Events
Cynthia Dion-Schwarz
RAND Corporation, 2018
Understanding the cybersecurity threat landscape is critical to mitigating threats, apportioning limited resources, and hosting a resilient, safe, and secure Olympic Games. To support the security goals of Tokyo 2020, this report characterizes the cybersecurity threats that are likely to pose a risk to the games, visualizes a threat actor typology, and presents a series of policy options to guide cybersecurity planning.

front cover of Extending Russia
Extending Russia
Competing from Advantageous Ground
James Dobbins
RAND Corporation, 2019
As the U.S. National Defense Strategy recognizes, the United States is currently locked in a great-power competition with Russia. This report seeks to define areas where the United States can compete to its own advantage. It examines Russian vulnerabilities and anxieties; analyzes potential policy options to exploit them; and assesses the associated benefits, costs, and risks, as well as the likelihood of successful implementation.

front cover of Choices for America in a Turbulent World
Choices for America in a Turbulent World
Strategic Rethink
James Dobbins
RAND Corporation, 2015
The first in a series exploring the elements of a national strategy for U.S. foreign policy, this book examines the most critical decisions likely to face the next president. The book covers global and regional issues and spotlights the long-term policy issues and organizational, financial, and diplomatic challenges that will confront senior U.S. officials in 2017 and beyond.

front cover of Out of the Shadows
Out of the Shadows
The Health and Well-Being of Private Contractors Working in Conflict Environments
Molly Dunigan
RAND Corporation, 2013
Private contractors have been deployed extensively around the globe for the past decade and may be exposed to many of the stressors that are known to have physical and mental health implications for military personnel. Results from a RAND survey offer preliminary findings about the mental and physical health of contractors, their deployment experiences, and their access to and use of health care resources.

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