Half Title
Title Page
Introduction: What is Online Social Capital?
Definitional Problems
Social Buttons
Management and Accumulation of a Resource
Theoretical Approach
Plan of This Book
Chapter 1 Online Social Capital as Social
Social Capital and Cultural Capital
The Dark Side of Social Capital
Online Social Capital: Measurement
Online Social Capital: Ownership
A Social Tool or Numbers Game?
Main Points
Chapter 2 Online Social Capital as Capital
Fungibility: What is the Exchange Rate on a ‘Like’?
Three Forms of Exchange: User-As-Commodity, User-Generated Commodity, and ‘Rent’
Circuits and Circulation
Online Symbolic Capital
Rise of the Micro-Celebrity
Liking and the Online Social ‘Market’ - Tracking and Tracing
Aggregate Social Capital
Chapter 3 Capitalism and the Ideologies of the Social
Communicative Capitalism
The Fourth Fantasy
Social Capitalist Strategies
Gaming the System of Social Capital
Microburst Gratification and Mobile Prosumers
Accumulation and Time: ‘Time is Money’
Chapter 4 From Accumulation to Alienation: Marx and Veblen
Alienation, Deskilling, and the Online Social Economy
Alienation and Veblen
Veblen and Competitive Accumulation
Of Social Profits to Be Made Via Conspicuous Display
Ideology of Social Competition
Conspicuous Prosumption
Veblen and Capital Assets
Marx versus Veblen?
Chapter 5 Alienation 2.0 - Symptoms of Narcissism and Aggression
From Digital Narcissism to Online Id
Digital Narcissism
Digital Objects and Objectification
Tracking and Striving For the Perfect Representation
Intensity and Attention
Online Ego Management
Digital Narcissism and Aggression: This is My Sandbox!
The Triumph of the Id
Online Aggression
Aggression and Approbation Cues
Contributing Factors
‘Always Be Closing’
Chapter 6 The Network Spectacle
Baudrillard as Postmodern Interruption?
The Integrated Spectacle
The Integrated Spectacle: Spectacular Innovation
The Integrated Spectacle: Generalised Secrecy, Lies and the Eternal Present
Simulacrum? Spectacle? Both or Neither?
The Social Algorithm as the Successor to the Simulacrum and the Spectacle
Network Spectacle and the Alienation from Self
Spectacular Digital Labour
Main Points