List of Abbreviations
Part I: Setting the Stage
Introduction: Women Building Plural Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean
1. Accomodating the Private into the Public Domain
Part II: Women, Work, and Families
2. Women's Work and Neoliberal Globalization
3. Female-Headed Households and Poverty in Latin America
4. A "Top-Down" -- "Bottom-Up" Model
Part III: Women's Agency for Plural Democracy and Full Citizenship
5. The Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Speak
6. Gender Politics in Nicaragua
7. Haiti
8. From Urban Elite to Peasant Organizing
Part IV: Broadening the Circle of Women's Activism
9. Women's Movements in Argentina
10. Advocating for Citizenship and Social Justice
11. Itineraries of Latin American Lesbian Insubordinatioin
12. Respect, Discrimination, and Violence
Part V: Shaping Public Policy with A Gender Perspective
13. Peace Begins at Home
14. New Challenges in Feminist Practice
15. Women's Struggles for Rights in Venezuela
16. Trickling Up, Down, and Sideways
Part VI: The Politics of Scale
17. From Insurgency to Feminist Struggle
18. The Latin American Network of Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir
19. Constructing New Democratic Paradigms for Global Democracy
Part VII: Concluding Considerations
20. Concluding Reflections
Notes on Contributors