Introduction: Changing Women's and Men's Lives in Japan / Gill Steel
SECTION I: How Women Live (and Want to Live)
1. Women's Work at Home and in the Workplace / Gill Steel
2. Busy, Happy, and Withdrawn: Japanese Women's Constrained Leisure Choices / Mito Akiyoshi
3. Why Women Won't Wed / Kumiko Nemoto
4. Working Women's Husbands as Helpers or Partners / Yuko Ogasawara
SECTION II: How and Why Women Participate in Politics
5. The Politics of Care and Community: Women and Civil Society in Japan / Linda Hasunuma
6. The "Silent Majority" Speaks Out: Conservative Women Defending Convention / Kimiko Osawa
7. Women and the Liberal Democratic Party in Transition / Yuki Tsuji
8. Tokyo's First Female Governor Breaks the Steel Ceiling / Susan Pavloska
SECTION III: How Public Policy Tries to Influence "Private" Behavior
9. "Life" as a Political Agenda / Hiroko Takeda
10. One Size Fits All? The Implications of Differences in Regional Fertility for Public Policy / Mayumi Nakamura
11. Japan's Womenomics Diplomacy / Liv Coleman
SECTION IV: Uneven Change in Women's Representation
12. Japan's Growing Base of Women in Elected Office / Sherry Martin
13. Staffing the State with Women / Gregory W. Noble
14. Changing Legislature, Changing Politics: Quotas, Electoral Systems, and Political Representation / Yoshiaki Kobayashi and Yuta Kamahara