front cover of Separate Destinations
Separate Destinations
Migration, Immigration, and the Politics of Places
James G. Gimpel
University of Michigan Press, 1999
Natives who change residence do not settle in the same places as immigrants. Separate Destinations argues that these distinct mobility patterns, coupled with record levels of immigration from impoverished third world nations, are balkanizing the American electorate. James G. Gimpel examines the consequences of different patterns of movement and settlement on the politics of the communities in which these different groups settle.
Newer immigrants are con-strained by a lack of education, money, English literacy, and information--and frequently by discrimination--to live in areas of coethnic settlement. Domestic, native-born migrants--predominantly Caucasian--free of discrimination and possessing more money and information, move where they wish, often to communities where immigrants are not welcome or cannot afford to live. Strong evidence suggests that spatially isolated immigrants are slower to naturalize and get involved in politics than domestic migrants.
Gimpel looks closely at states with very different patterns of migration and immigration: California, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New York. In these states, Gimpel shows the impact of population mobility on party registration, party votes, and voter turnout and asks whether population changes have changed the dominant party in a state or produced a political reaction from natives.
Separate Destinations contains a number of thematic maps detailing the settlement patterns of internal migrants and immigrants for both counties and census tracts. Blending insights from a number of social science disciplines, including economics, demography, sociology, political science, and anthropology, this book will be of interest to a wide and diverse readership of scholars, students, and policymakers.
James G. Gimpel is Associate Professor of Government, University of Maryland.

front cover of Shifting Borders
Shifting Borders
Rhetoric, Immigration And Prop 187
Kent Ono
Temple University Press, 2002

"Like articles representing the positions of proponents of the measure, those representing opponents constructing the nation as potentially in danger as a result of undocumented immigration."

How do we learn to recognize the damning effects of good rhetorical intentions? And where will we find arguments which escape this trap that permeates the liberal social policy world? Shifting Borders uses an evaluation of the debate over California Proposition 187 to demonstrate how this quandary is best understood by close interrogation of mainstream reports and debates and by bringing to the fore voices that are often left out of mediated discussions.

It is these voices outside the mainstream, so-called "outlaw" discourses, that hold the best possibilities for real social change. To illustrate their claim, the authors present dominant and outlaw discourses around Proposition 187, from television reports, internet chat sites, and religious discourse to coverage of the Los Angeles Times. Their critique ably demonstrates how difficult it is to maintain a position outside the mainstream, but also how important it is for the press, citizens and scholars to actively search out such voices. The findings are organized through a model that provides an innovative method for understanding events and arguments through their rhetorical and communicative construction. In a world where the mediated word defines so much of what we know, Shifting Borders provides a lucid introduction to analyzing the spoken and written word that constitutes political debate in contemporary U.S. culture. In doing so, it makes an important contribution to any future development of progressive political strategy.


front cover of Somos Latinas
Somos Latinas
Voices of Wisconsin Latina Activists
Andrea-Teresa Arenas
Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2018
Twenty-five Latina agents of change share their inspirational stories.

Celebrated Latina civil rights activist Dolores Huerta once said, “Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.” These are the stories of some of the Latina activists from Wisconsin who have lived Huerta’s words. Somos Latinas shares the powerful narratives of 25 activists—from outspoken demonstrators to collaborative community-builders to determined individuals working for change behind the scenes—providing proof of the long-standing legacy of Latina activism throughout Wisconsin. 

Somos Latinas draws on activist interviews conducted as part of the Somos Latinas Digital History Project, housed at the Wisconsin Historical Society, and looks deep into the life and passion of each woman. Though Latinas have a rich history of community activism in the state and throughout the country, their stories often go uncelebrated. Somos Latinas is essential reading for scholars, historians, activists, and anyone curious about how everyday citizens can effect change in their communities.  

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The Statue of Libertine
Luma Sims
Templeton Press, 2021

Many immigrants to the United States are reluctant to come here. That statement takes many Americans by surprise because we assume that people freely choose to come to this country to make better lives for themselves. After all, what American is unfamiliar with the romantic image of immigrants of yesteryear arriving in New York Harbor, hungry to make their way in the land of opportunity? 

But the United States is not the country it was a century ago. Back then, the institutions of family and religion held together American society, establishing the norms, customs, and obligations that smoothed the gears of self-governance. For this reason, the country had a clear national identity into which immigrants could assimilate. They could adapt their cultural heritage to the American way of life and raise their children to do the same. Sadly, this is no longer the case. 

The march of modernity has dissolved the institutions that supported a cohesive society, giving rise to a radical individualism that devalued the importance of meaning-making relationships. The fallout has included unprecedented rates of loneliness, historical ignorance, excessive materialism, and moral drift. Immigrants can see this in America better than Americans themselves. The advantage immigrants have is that they come from countries that cherish group belonging; they know that without it, an individual cannot live a fulfilling life.  

In The Statue of Libertine, Luma Simms—herself an immigrant from Iraq—argues that we ought to listen to the immigrant perspective and use it as a tool for self-reflection. Drawing from landmark social commentators such as Alexis de Tocqueville, Simms unfolds her argument by sharing her family’s story of coming to America and struggling to make it their home. She also includes firsthand accounts of other immigrants whose experiences underscore how America’s proverbial melting pot has been shattered. 

Her objective is to help us see ourselves through the eyes of the modern immigrant and grasp how far we’ve strayed from the tacit social agreements that made America so strong in the first place. With this understanding, we can begin the work of reviving the institutions that made us a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. 


front cover of Strangers in Our Midst
Strangers in Our Midst
The Political Philosophy of Immigration
David Miller
Harvard University Press, 2016

How should Western democracies respond to the many millions of people who want to settle in their societies? Economists and human rights advocates tend to downplay the considerable cultural and demographic impact of immigration on host societies. Seeking to balance the rights of immigrants with the legitimate concerns of citizens, Strangers in Our Midst brings a bracing dose of realism to this debate. David Miller defends the right of democratic states to control their borders and decide upon the future size, shape, and cultural make-up of their populations.

“A cool dissection of some of the main moral issues surrounding immigration and worth reading for its introductory chapter alone. Moreover, unlike many progressive intellectuals, Miller gives due weight to the rights and preferences of existing citizens and does not believe an immigrant has an automatic right to enter a country…Full of balanced judgments and tragic dilemmas.”
—David Goodhart, Evening Standard

“A lean and judicious defense of national interest…In Miller’s view, controlling immigration is one way for a country to control its public expenditures, and such control is essential to democracy.”
—Kelefa Sanneh, New Yorker


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