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Failure by Design
The California Energy Crisis and the Limits of Market Planning
Georg Rilinger
University of Chicago Press, 2024
A new framework for studying markets as the product of organizational planning and understanding the practical limits of market design.
The Western Energy Crisis was one of the great financial disasters of the past century. The crisis began in April 2000, when price spikes started to rattle California’s electricity markets. These new markets, designed to introduce competition and, ideally, drive down prices, created new opportunities for private companies. Within a year, however, California’s three biggest utilities were on the brink of bankruptcy. Competing for energy at public auctions, providers were unable to afford the now wildly expensive energy their customers needed. In sheer desperation, California’s grid operator instituted rolling blackouts to accommodate the scarcity. Traffic lights, refrigerators, and ATMs stopped working. It was a perfect scandal—especially when it turned out that the energy sellers had manipulated the market to drive up the prices and then profit from the resulting disaster. Who was at fault?
Decades later, some blame economic fundamentals and ignorant politicians, while others accuse the energy sellers who raided the markets. In Failure by Design, sociologist Georg Rilinger offers a different explanation that focuses on the practical challenges of market design. The unique physical attributes of electricity made it exceedingly challenging to introduce markets into the coordination of the electricity system, so market designers were brought in to construct the infrastructures that coordinate how market participants interact. An exercise in social engineering, these infrastructures were going to guide market actors toward behavior that would produce optimal market results and facilitate grid management. Yet, though these experts spent their days worrying about incentive misalignment and market manipulation, they unintentionally created a system riddled with opportunities for destructive behavior. How could some of the world’s foremost authorities create such a flawed system? Rilinger first identifies the structural features that enabled destructive behavior and then shows how the political, organizational, and cognitive conditions of design work prompted these mistakes. Rilinger’s analysis not only illuminates the California energy crisis but develops a broader theoretical framework to think about markets as the products of organizational planning and the limits of social engineering, contributing broadly to sociological and economic thinking about the nature of markets.

front cover of Five Steps of Outcome-Based Planning & Evaluation for Youth Services
Five Steps of Outcome-Based Planning & Evaluation for Youth Services
Melissa Gross, Cindy Mediavilla, and Virginia A. Walter
American Library Association, 2022

Outcome-based planning and evaluation (OBPE), with its straightforward approach built on a flexible framework, is the perfect model to enable youth services professionals to deliver effective services regardless of uncertainties. An outcome-based approach can help youth services stay grounded in producing desired outcomes with and for youth through responsive programs, services, and processes that can adapt to changing conditions. Clarifying the relationship between planning, program development, and evaluation, the five simple steps outlined in this book will help youth services staff conduct solid community assessments and integrate OBPE into their work. Inside its pages you will learn

  • a short history of OBPE and its evolution;
  • why it is crucially important to involve youth in all stages of program development, with guidance on navigating challenges;
  • how to think about planning as the need to react quickly, whether due to natural or human-made disasters, changing demographics, or economic swings;
  • the five steps of OBPE, from gathering information about your community and determining the outcomes that will serve your community to crafting accurate outcome statements, developing an evaluation plan, and maximizing the results of successful outcome-based programs; 
  • how to visualize the steps needed to successfully plan, implement, and evaluate an outcome-based program, using the template included in the book;
  • ways to share your data to let people know the library’s important role in the community; and
  • additional useful tools to bolster your work, including environmental scan forms and ideas for creating relevant family storytimes.

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Five Steps of Outcome-Based Planning and Evaluation for Public Libraries
Melissa Gross, Cindy Mediavilla, Virginia A. Walter
American Library Association, 2016

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Five Steps of Outcome-Based Planning and Evaluation for Public Libraries
Melissa Gross
American Library Association, 2016

front cover of Fundamentals of Planning and Assessment for Libraries
Fundamentals of Planning and Assessment for Libraries
Rachel A. Fleming-May and Regina Mays
American Library Association, 2021

The concepts of planning and assessment are intrinsically linked—and understanding them is essential for raising the library’s profile and strengthening its position among stakeholders and the community. Even if you're an LIS student or are new to the profession, or if planning or assessment are not your primary areas of responsibility, you still have a role to play in the success of organizational efforts. Fleming-May has more than a decade of experience in planning and assessment initiatives and instruction, and Mays was her institution’s first assessment librarian; their primer draws from theory, research, and their first-hand observations to illuminate such topics as

  • characteristics of bad planning strategy that can help to illustrate a better approach;
  • reasons why using economic models, like ROI, fall short;
  • how to mix the three types of planning;
  • guidelines to ensure that assessment is meaningful and actionable;
  • tips for creating effective surveys;
  • emphasizing users’ needs with a critical assessment framework;
  • data analysis for surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observation;
  • four questions to ask about audience level before you develop a report;
  • a sample 3-year assessment plan that can be customized; and
  • seven steps for developing a culture of ongoing assessment.

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