“Blurring the boundary between exploiting trees and exploiting workers, Cutover Capitalism is an interesting re-interpretation of the field of forest history, a discipline that has focused all too heavily on woods technology and not enough on labor process.”
— Richard Judd, author of Second Nature: An Environmental History of New England
"A conceptually brilliant history that instantly becomes critically important for both labor and environmental historians."
— Erik Loomis, author of A History of American in Ten Strikes
"With this compelling study, Jason Newton achieves an impressive disciplinary synthesis that casts new light on land and life in northern New England. Cutover Capitalism is a must-read for forest and environmental historians—and many more besides. Insights drawn from memory studies, the history of capitalism, labor history, ecology, and experience reveal much about the exploitation of people and non-human nature in the past, and raise important questions about the injustices and sustainability of our current circumstances."
— Graeme Wynn, author of Environment, Power, and Justice: Southern African Histories