Publisher’s Note
Section A Climatology for the Field Scientist
Chapter 1. Archaeoclimatology: An Introduction
Chapter 2. Statewide Climate Mapping
Section B Western Oregon
Chapter 3. Case Study: Salem
Chapter 4. Case Study: The Portland Basin and Lake River Region
Chapter 5. Models for Western Oregon
The Northwest Coast: Clatskanie, Nehalem, Newport, Seaside, St. Helens, Summit,
and Tillamook
The Southwest: Ashland, Brookings, Coquille City, Fern Ridge Dam, Gold Beach, Grants Pass,
Honeyman, and Roseburg
The Portland Basin: Portland
The Willamette Valley: Corvallis, Eugene, McMinnville, North Willamette Experiment Station, and Stayton
The Cascades: Bonneville Dam, Cascadia, Cottage Grove Dam, Crater Lake, Detroit Dam, Idleyld Park, Lost Creek Dam, McKenzie Bridge, Odell Lake East, and Three Lynx
Section C The Columbia Plateau and Valleys
Chapter 6. Case Study: Wildcat Canyon, Arlington
Chapter 7. Models for the Columbia Plateau and Valleys
The Plateau: Antelope, Dufur, Heppner, Kent, Metolius, Mikkalo, Monument, and Pendleton
The Ochoco–Blue Mountains Ridge: Austin, Ironside, John Day, Mitchell, Paulina, Prineville, and Seneca
The Northeast: Baker, Elgin, La Grande, Ukiah, and Wallowa
The High Desert: Bend and Brothers
Section D The Interior Basin
Chapter 8. Case Study: Diamond Pond, Voltage Anthony H. Ruter and Reid A. Bryson
Chapter 9: Models for the Interior Basin
The Western Great Basin: Adel, Chemult, Fremont,
Klamath Falls, Malin, Paisley, Sprague River, and Valley Fall
The Eastern Great Basin: Alkali Lake, Beulah, Burns Junction, Burns WSO, Hart Mountain Refuge, McDermitt, Owyhee Dam, P Ranch Refuge, Riverside, Sheaville, Vale, and Wagontire
Section E Storms and Rivers
Chapter 10. Typhoons and the Middle Holocene
Chapter 11. Case Study: River Modeling near Woodburn
Chapter 12. Modeled River Discharge
Deschutes at Mecca, John Day at McDonald Ferry, Molalla at Wilhoit, Owyhee at Rome, Rogue at Agness, Umpqua at Elkton, Willamette at Portland, and Willamina Creek at Willamina