"Essential reading for those interested biopolitics, bioethics, science studies, and genetics, genomics, and the new omics."
-- Rebecca Scott Yoshizawa New Genetics and Society
"One of the most exciting books published this year, Natasha Myer’s Rendering Life Molecular: Models, Modelers, and Excitable Matter, is an ethnography of protein modellers, the first such study of this new and central area of biological research."
-- Sherryl Vint Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory
"Amplifying instances of haptic and creative thinking opens avenues for a different kind of science than one may find presented in popular media.... The result is not only intellectually invigorating but also abounds in amusing curiosities. One might say 'eye opening,' but in the spirit of the book, it would perhaps be better to say 'vivifying.'"
-- Jonathan G. Wald Current Anthropology
"Rendering Life Molecular offers an engaging view into the world of scientists who describe the unseeable."
-- R. M. Denome Choice
"Rendering Life Molecular is a thought-provoking book, a whirlwind ethnography pregnant with epistemological and empirical insights on movements, practices, knowledge and reasoning around proteins, which can and should inform future philosophical studies of modeling as well as STS work on experimental practices in and beyond biology."
-- Sabina Leonelli Metascience
"... logical, theoretically and methodologically iterative, and, most importantly, ethnographically rich and robust."
-- Udo Krautwurst Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute