List of Figures
Introduction: Rhetoric’s Practices | Debra Hawhee
Part I. Poetics
1. The World-Building Power of Ekphrasis | Susan C. Jarratt
2. Prose before Prosa: A Brief Exposé | Michele Kennerly
3. Dear Mice: | Debra Hawhee
4. Exploring the Performed Argument: Teaching Poetry Rhetorically | Glen McClish
Part II. Performance
5. Reading Poetry, Performing Rhetoric: The Place of Poetic Performance in Byzantine Rhetorical Education | Vessela Valiavitcharska
6. Performing History, or, Imitation with a Difference: Examples from the Alexiad | Ellen Quandahl
7. A Small Communicability | Dale Martin Smith
Part III. Philosophies of Argumentation
8. The Stases—Then and Now | Jeanne Fahnestock and Marie Secor
9. John Locke and the Paradox of Tolerant Disputation | Mark Garrett Longaker
10. Rational Rhetoric: Using Tibetan Debate to Teach Persuasive Writing | Cleve Wiese
Conclusion: Practice’s Questions | Vessela Valiavitcharska
List of Contributors