Introduction: The Sweeter the Christmas
Panel I: Black Is a Dangerous Color
1 "No Sweat!:” EC Comics, Cold War Censorship, and the Troublesome Colors of “Judgment Day!”
2 Sex in Yop City: Ivorian Femininity and Masculinity in Abouet and Oubrerie’s Aya
3 A Postcolony in Pieces: Black Faces, White Masks and Queer Potentials in Unknown Soldier
Panel II: Black in Black and White and Color
4 Fashion in the Funny Papers: Cartoonist Jackie Ormes’s American Look
5 Graphic Remix: The Lateral Appropriation of Black Nationalism in Aaron McGruder’s The Boondocks
Panel III: Black Tights
6 American Truths: Blackness and the American Superhero
7 Drawn into Dialogue: Comic Book Culture and the Scene of Controversy in Milestone Media’s Icon
8 Critical Afrofuturism: A Case Study in Visual Rhetoric, Sequential Art, and Post-Apocalyptic Black Identity
9 Bare Chests, Silver Tiaras and Removable Afros: The Visual Design of Black Comic Book Superheroes
Panel IV: Graphic Blackness
10 Daddy Cool: Donald Goines’s “Visual Novel”
11 The Blues Tragicomic: Constructing the Black Folk Subject in Stagger Lee
12 Provocation Through Polyphony: Kyle Baker’s Nat Turner
13 Performance Geography: Making Space in Jeremy Love’s Bayou, Volume 1
14 A Secret History of Miscegenation: Jimmy Corrigan and the Columbian Exposition of 1893
15 It’s a Hero?: Black Comics and Satirizing Subjection
Notes on Contributors