List of Illustrations...............................v
MORIMICHI WATANABE, Preface.......................viii
PETER J. CASARELLA, Introduction......................1
1. NANCY HUDSON AND FRANK TOBIN, Nicholas of Cusa's Sermon
on the Pater Noster.............................27
2. BERNARD MCGINN, Seeing and Not Seeing: Nicholas of Cusa's De Visione Dei in the History of Western
3. JASPER HOPKINS, Nicholas of Cusa's Intellectual Relationship to Anselm of
4. LOUIS DUPRÉ, The Question of Pantheism from Eckhart to Cusanus........129
5. WILHELM DUPRÉ, The Living Image of God: Some Remarks on the Meaning of Perfection and World
6. KARSTEN HARRIES, Power and Poverty of Perspective: Cusanus and Alberti.....172
7. WALTER ANDREAS EULER, An Italian Painting from the Late Fifteenth Century and the Cribratio Alkorani
of Nicholas of Cusa.....................205
8. IL KIM, A Brief Report on the Painting of Three Haloed Figures..........229
9. THOMAS PRÜGL, The Concept of Infallibility in Nicholas of Cusa...........238
10. CARY NEDERMAN, Empire Meets Nation: Imperial Authority and National Government in Renaissance
Political Thought........................286
11. PAUL E. SIGMUND, Medieval and Modern Constitutionalism: Nicholas of Cusa and John
12. ELIZABETH BRIENT, How can the Infinite be the Measure of the Finite? Three Mathematical Metaphors
from De docta ignorantia ................330
13. REGINE KATHER, "The Earth is a Noble Star": The Arguments for the Relativity of Motion in the Cosmology
of Nicolaus Cusanus and Their Transformation in Einstein's Theory of
List of Contributors...............................382
Suggested Reading................................390
Index of Citations to Cusanus' Works........................