Foreword by Donald E. Graves
A Note on Terminology and Numbers
Prologue: The United States and Great Britain in a War-Torn World
Eastern North America in 1812
1. The Causes of the War
Rating Jefferson’s Presidency
Has Free Ships–Free Goods Been Overrated?
Why Was the Monroe-Pinkney Treaty Important?
The Chesapeake Affair
The Orders-in-Council
The Restrictive System
Assessing American Trade and Prosperity, 1789–1807
Who Killed American Prosperity, 1807–15?
Did the British Incite the Indians?
The Old Northwest
The Battle of Tippecanoe
Did Harrison Mismanage the Campaign?
What Was the Significance of Tippecanoe?
The Lure of Canada
Was National Honor at Stake?
Who Were the Real War Hawks?
When Did the U.S. Declare War?
Was the U.S. Bluffing?
When Did the British Declare War?
Would an Atlantic Cable Have Averted War?
Could War Have Been Averted without an Atlantic Cable?
Was the War of 1812 a Second War of Independence?
2. Battles and Campaigns
What Was the First Land Action?
The Detroit Frontier
Who Took the First Scalp?
Why Did General Hull Surrender Detroit
Why Did American Militia Refuse to Fight?
What Were Brock’s Last Words?
Who Killed Brock?
Where Did Brock Fall?
Brock’s Well-Traveled Remains
The Impact of the Battle
How Decisive Was The Battle?
Who Killed Tecumseh?
How Many Died in the Fort Mims Massacre?
The Burning of Newark/Niagara
How Innovative Were General Scott’s Training Methods?
The Niagara Frontier
What Inspired Cadet Gray?
The British Assault on Fort Erie
The Battle of Plattsburgh
How Close Did the British Come to Victory?
The Capture of Washington
Why Did the British Burn Washington?
The Chesapeake Bay
When Did the President’s House Become the “White House”?
Did the British Dine at the White House?
The Attack on Baltimore
Did General Ross Disparage the American Militia?
Who Killed General Ross?
The Fort McHenry Flag
The Birth of “The Star-Spangled Banner”
The British Occupation of Maine
Why Did Massachusetts Refuse to Retake Maine?
3 The Maritime War
U.S. Naval Construction Strategy
U.S. Naval Operations
How Effective Was the British Blockade?
Were American Frigates Actually Ships-of-the-Line in Disguise?
Did British Seamen Man U.S. Warships?
Did “Picked” Crews Give the U.S. Navy an Edge?
What Was the First Naval Battle?
What Were the First Naval Prizes?
The U.S. Frigate Constitution
H.M. Ship Shannon v. U.S. Frigate Chesapeake
Minor Myths
Captain Lawrence’s Last Words
The Longest-Serving Officer in the Royal Navy
The Cruise and Capture of the U.S. Frigate Essex
How Effective Were Jefferson’s Gunboats?
Did the French Navy Help the U.S.?
Privateers—“The Militia of the Sea”
The Role of American Privateers
The Role of British Privateers
The Battle of Lake Erie
The Northern Theater
How Quickly Was Perry’s Squadron Built?
Why Did Barclay Lift His Blockade?
Perry’s Luck
The “Burlington Races”
The Battle of Lake Champlain
Who Used Hot Shot?
Where Was the Greatest Naval Arms Race of the War?
4 Soldiers, Sailors, and Civilians
Rating Madison’s Presidency
Sir George Prevost’s Leadership
Army Leadership
Who Were the Best British Generals?
Who Were the Best American Generals?
Who Were the Worst Generals?
Did Wellington Refuse the American Command?
Who Were the Best British Naval Commanders?
Who Were the Best American Naval Commanders?
Who Were the Worst Naval Commanders?
5 The Mechanics of Waging War
Tactics and Conventional Warfare
British Tactical Doctrine
American Tactical Doctrine
Congreve Rockets
The Brown Bess
The Springfield Model 1795
The Pennsylvania Rifle
The Baker Rifle
British Rifle Units
The Bayonet
Supplying a Wilderness War
American Supply Routes
British Supply Routes
What Was the Impact of Logistics?
What Were the Most Impressive Marches?
The Great Rope Walk
Fort Malden or Fort Amherstburg?
Fort Michilimackinac or Fort Mackinac?
Fort Oswego or Fort Ontario?
Why Did Soldiers and Sailors Desert?
What Was the Desertion Rate?
How Were Deserters Punished?
Andrew Jackson and Deserters
Civilian Sources
Military Sources
Intelligence Coups and Disasters
Martial Law in the United States
Martial Law in Canada and British-Occupied Territory
The Battle of Malcolm’s Mills
The Battle of New Orleans
New Orleans and the Southern Theater
Was the Battle Fought after the War Was Over?
Did the British Seek “Beauty and Booty”?
What Was Jean Laffite’s Contribution?
Did Riflemen Win the Battle?
How Close Did the British Come to Victory?
What Would a British Victory Have Meant?
What Was the Last Battle of the War?
The Peace Negotiations
Did the War Annul the Paris Peace Treaty of 1783?
The Indian Barrier State
When Did the War End?
Estimating Casualties
American Losses
Indian Losses
Who Won the War?
Could the U.S. Have Conquered Canada?
The Northeast
Epilogue: The Legacy of the War
Appendix A: “The Hunters of Kentucky”
Appendix B: “The Bold Canadian”
Appendix C: Shipwrecks and Rebuilt Ships
Appendix D: The Name of the War
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