Title Page
Introduction to the Translation
Notes on the Translation
For Further Reading
Morning Hours or, Lectures on the Existence of God
Preliminary Remarks
Part One. Epistemic Groundwork, Concerning Truth, Appearance, and Error
Lecture I. What Is Truth?
Lecture II. Cause. Effect. Ground. Power.
Lecture III. Self-Evidence—Immediate Knowledge. Rational Knowledge—Natural Knowledge.
Lecture IV. Truth and Illusion.
Lecture V. Existence. Waking. Dreams. Delusion.
Lecture VI. The Connection of Our Ideas. Idealism.
Lecture VII. Continuation. Quarrel of Idealists with the Dualists. Truth Drive and Approbatio
Part Two. Systematic Exposition of the Concepts Related to the Existence of God
Lecture VIII. Introduction. Importance of the Investigation. On the Principle of Basedow’s Pri
Lecture IX. Certainty of the Pure and Applied Doctrine of Magnitudes. Comparison with the Cer
Lecture X. Allegorical Dream. Reason and Common Sense. Proofs of the Existence of God, Accord
Lecture XI. Epicureanism. Luck. Coincidence. Number of Causes and Effects, without End, with
Lecture XII. Sufficient Reason Grounding the Contingent in the Necessary. The Former Is Somewh
Lecture XIII. Spinozism. Pantheism. All Is One and One Is All. Refutation.
Lecture XIV. Continued Quarrel with the Pantheists. Convergence, Point of Union with Them. Inn
Lecture XV. Lessing. His Service to the Religion of Reason. His Thoughts Concerning Purified
Lecture XVI. Explanation of the Concepts of Necessity, Randomness, Independence, and Dependen
Lecture XVII. A priori Grounds for Proof of the Existence of a Most Perfect, Necessary, Indep
To the Friends of Lessing