Foreword by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr.
1. The Commission
2. The History of The Larkin Company
3. The Evolution and Sources of the Design
4. Functional Aspects of the Design
5. The Message in the Building
6. The Critical Response
7. The Demolition
Appendix A: Darwin Martin's Office Building Requirements
Appendix B: Darwin Martin Letter to John Larkin of January 7, 1903 refuting the Coss plan
Appendix C: Darwin Martin Letter to John Larking of March 20, 1903 reporting on Wright
Appendix D: Darwin Martin Letter to John Larkin of May 12, 1903 refuting the Heath plan
Appendix E: "The Inscriptions on the Court of the Administration Building"
Appendix F: Chronological List of Writings on the Larking Administrations Building
Appendix G: Frank Lloyd Wright, "The New Larkin Administration Building"
Appendix H: William Heath, "The Office Building and What It Will Bring to the Office Force"
Appendix I: George Twitmyer, "A Model Administration Building"
Appendix J: Marion Harland, "The Administration Building"
Appendix K: Russell Sturgis, "The Larking Building in Buffalo"
Appendix L: Frank Lloyd Wright, "Reply to Mr. Sturgis's Criticism"