Foreword by Norman R. Lebovitz
Author's Note
Part One - Dynamical Friction and Brownian Motion
1. A Statistical Theory of Stellar Encounters
The Astrophysical Journal 94, no. 3 (1941): 511-25
2. The Statistics of the Gravitational Field Arising From a Random Distribution of Stars. I, The Speed of Fluctuations, with J. von Neumann
The Astrophysical Journal 95, no. 3 (1942): 489-531
3. The Statistics of the Gravitational Field Arising From a Random Distribution of Stars. II, The Speed of Fluctuations; Dynamical Friction; Spatial Correlations, with J. von Neumann
The Astrophysical Journal 97, no. 1 (1943): 1-27
4. The Statistics of the Gravitational Field Arising From a Random Distribution of Stars. III, The Correlations in the Forces Acting at Two Points Separated by a Finite Distance
The Astrophysical Journal 99, no. 1 (1944): 25-46
5. The Statistics of the Gravitational Field Arising From a Random Distribution of Stars. IV, The Stochastic Variation of the Force Acting on a Star
The Astrophysical Journal 99, no. 1 (1944): 47-53
6. On the Stability of Binary Systems
The Astrophysical Journal 99, no. 1 (1944): 54-58
7. Dynamical Friction. I, General Considerations: The Coefficient of Dynamical Friction
The Astrophysical Journal 97, no. 2 (1943): 255-62
8. Dynamical Friction. II, The Rate of Escape of Stars From Clusters and the Evidence for the Operation of Dynamical Friction
The Astrophysical Journal 97, no. 2 (1943): 263-73
9. Dynamical Friction. III, A More Exact Theory of the Rate of Escape of Stars From Clusters
The Astrophysical Journal 98, no. 1 (1943): 54-60
10. New Methods in Stellar Dynamics
Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences 45, art. 3 (1943): 131-62
11. Galactic Evidences for the Time-Scale of the Universe
Science 99, no. 2564 (1944): 133-36
12. Stochastic Problems in Physics and Astronomy
Reviews of Modern Physics 15, no. 1 (1943): 1-89
13. Brownian Motion, Dynamical Friction and Stellar Dynamics
Reviews of Modern Physics 21, no. 3 (1949): 383-88
14. Marian Smoluchowski as the Founder of the Physics of Stochastic Phenomena
R. S. Ingarden, ed., Polish Men of Science: Marian Smoluchowski; His Life and Scientific Work, 21-28. Polish Scientific Publishers, 1986
15. On a Class of Probability Distributions
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 45, Pt. 2, (1948): 219-24
Part Two - Statistical Problems in Astronomy
16. The Theory of the Fluctuations in Brightness of the Milky Way, I.
With G. Münch
The Astrophysical Journal 112, no. 3 (1950): 380-92
17. The Theory of the Fluctuations in Brightness of the Milky Way, II. With G. Münch
The Astrophysical Journal 112, no. 3 (1950): 393-98
18. The Theory of the Fluctuations in Brightness of the Milky Way, III. With G. Münch
The Astrophysical Journal 114, no. 1 (1951): 110-22
19. The Theory of the Fluctuations in Brightness of the Milky Way, IV. With G. Münch
The Astrophysical Journal 115, no. 1 (1952): 94-102
20. The Theory of the Fluctuations in Brightness of the Milky Way, V. With G. Münch
The Astrophysical Journal 115, no. 1 (1952): 103-23
21. On Stellar Statistics. With G. Münch
The Astrophysical Journal 113, no. 1 (1951): 150-65
22. A Statistical Basis for the Theory of Stellar Scintillation
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 112, no. 5 (1952): 475-83
23. On the Integral Equation Governing the Distribution of the True and the Apparent Rotational Velocities of Stars. With G. Münch
The Astrophysical Journal 111, no. 1 (1950): 142-56
Part Three - Statistical Theory of Hydromagnetic Turbulence
24. On Heisenberg's Elementary Theory of Turbulence
Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 200 (1949): 20-33
25. The Invariant Theory of Isotropic Turbulence in Magneto-Hydrodynamics
Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 204 (1951): 435-49
26. The Invariant Theory of Isotropic Turbulence in Magneto-Hydrodynamics, II
Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 207 (1951): 301-6
27. The Fluctuations of Density in Isotropic Turbulence
Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 210 (1951): 18-25
28. The Gravitational Instability of an Infinite Homogeneous Turbulent Medium
Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 210 (1951): 26-29
29. The Theory of Axisymmetric Turbulence
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 242, no. 855 (1950): 557-77
30. The Decay of Axisymmetric Turbulence
Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 203 (1950): 358-64
31. On Turbulence Caused by Thermal Instability
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 244, no. 884 (1952): 357-84
32. Some Aspects of the Statistical Theory of Turbulence
Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of the American Mathematical Society: Fluid Dynamics, 1-17. University of Maryland, 1951
33. Turbulence--A Physical Theory of Astrophysical Interest (Henry Norris Russell Lecture)
The Astrophysical Journal 110, no. 3 (1949): 329-39
Part Four - Hydromagnetic Problems in Astrophysics
34. Magnetic Fields in Spiral Arms. With E. Fermi
The Astrophysical Journal 118, no. 1 (1953): 113-15
35. Problems of Gravitational Stability in the Presence of a Magnetic Field. With E. Fermi
The Astrophysical Journal 118, no. 1 (1953): 116-41
36. On the Pulsation of a Star in Which There is a Prevalent Magnetic Field. With D. Nelson Limber
The Astrophysical Journal 119, no. 1 (1954): 10-13
37. The Equilibrium of Magnetic Stars. With Kevin H. Prendergast
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 42, no. 1 (1956): 5-9
38. On Cowling's Theorem on the Impossibility of Self-Maintained Axisymmetric Homogeneous Dynamos. With G. E. Backus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 42, no. 3 (1956): 105-9
39. Axisymmetric Magnetic Fields and Fluid Motions
The Astrophysical Journal 124, no. 1 (1956): 232-43
40. Effect of Internal Motions on the Decay of a Magnetic Field in a Fluid Conductor
The Astrophysical Journal 124, no. 1 (1956): 244-65
41. Hydromagnetic Oscillations of a Fluid Sphere with Internal Motions
The Astrophysical Journal 124, no. 3 (1956): 571-79
42. On Force-Free Magnetic Fields
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 42, no. 1 (1956): 1-5
43. On Force-Free Magnetic Fields, With P. C. Kendall
The Astrophysical Journal 126, no. 2 (1957): 457-60
44. On Force-Free Magnetic Fields, With L. Woltjer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 44, no. 4 (1958): 285-89
45. On the Equilibrium Configurations of an Incompressible Fluid with Axisymmetric Motions and Magnetic Fields
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 44, no. 9 (1958): 842-47
46. On Cosmic Magnetic Fields
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 43, no. 1 (1957): 24-27