front cover of Collecting Lives
Collecting Lives
Critical Data Narrative as Modernist Aesthetic in Early Twentieth-Century U.S. Literatures
Elizabeth Rodrigues
University of Michigan Press, 2022

On a near-daily basis, data is being used to narrate our lives. Categorizing algorithms draw from amassed personal data to assign narrative destinies to individuals at crucial junctures, simultaneously predicting and shaping the paths of our lives. Data is commonly assumed to bring us closer to objectivity, but the narrative paths these algorithms assign seem, more often than not, to replicate biases about who an individual is and could become.

While the social effects of such algorithmic logics seem new and newly urgent to consider, Collecting Lives looks to the late nineteenth and early twentieth century US to provide an instructive prehistory to the underlying question of the relationship between data, life, and narrative. Rodrigues contextualizes the application of data collection to human selfhood in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century US in order to uncover a modernist aesthetic of data that offers an alternative to the algorithmic logic pervading our sense of data’s revelatory potential. Examining the work of W. E. B. Du Bois, Henry Adams, Gertrude Stein, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Rodrigues asks how each of these authors draw from their work in sociology, history, psychology, and journalism to formulate a critical data aesthetic as they attempt to answer questions of identity around race, gender, and nation both in their research and their life writing. These data-driven modernists not only tell different life stories with data, they tell life stories differently because of data.


front cover of Supporting Diversity through Collection Evaluation, Development, and Weeding
Supporting Diversity through Collection Evaluation, Development, and Weeding
Erika Barber
Assoc of College & Research Libraries, 2024
The College Library Information on Policy and Practice (CLIPP) book series from ACRL provides college and small university libraries analysis and examples of library practices and procedures.
Supporting Diversity through Collection Evaluation, Development, and Weeding: CLIPP #48
contains a thorough literature review and bibliography, analysis and discussion of survey results, and sample library collection development policies; diversity, equity, and justice statements; and a harmful content policy.
There are emerging practices for evaluating collection diversity and for diversifying collections via acquisitions, but the question of how collection diversity factors into weeding—either in theory or in practice—has not been thoroughly explored. CLIPP #48 provides a comprehensive survey of how diversity-enhancing collection management practices have filtered into the day-to-day work of average small and medium-sized academic libraries, and offers models for library workers who want to incorporate diversity concerns and policies into collection management practices. 

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