front cover of 2008+ Solved Problems in Electromagnetics
2008+ Solved Problems in Electromagnetics
Syed A. Nasar
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2008
This extremely valuable learning resource is for students of electromagnetics and those who wish to refresh and solidify their understanding of its challenging applications. Problem-solving drills help develop confidence, but few textbooks offer the answers, never mind the complete solutions to their chapter exercises. In this text, noted author Professor Syed Nasar has divided the book's problems into topic areas similar to a textbook and presented a wide array of problems, followed immediately by their solutions.

front cover of Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Electromagnetics
Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Electromagnetics
Field representations and the Method of Moments, Volume 2
Vito Lancellotti
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2022
This comprehensive and self-contained resource conveniently combines advanced topics in electromagnetic theory, a high level of mathematical detail, and the well-established ubiquitous Method of Moments applied to the solution of practical wave-scattering and antenna problems formulated with surface, volume, and hybrid integral equations.

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Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Electromagnetics
Static, stationary and time-varying fields, Volume 1
Vito Lancellotti
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2022
This comprehensive and self-contained resource conveniently combines advanced topics in electromagnetic theory, a high level of mathematical detail, and the well-established ubiquitous Method of Moments applied to the solution of practical wave-scattering and antenna problems formulated with surface, volume, and hybrid integral equations.

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Applications of Deep Learning in Electromagnetics
Teaching Maxwell's equations to machines
Maokun Li
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2022
Deep learning has started to be applied to solving many electromagnetic problems, including the development of fast modelling solvers, accurate imaging algorithms, efficient design tools for antennas, as well as tools for wireless links/channels characterization. The contents of this book represent pioneer applications of deep learning techniques to electromagnetic engineering, where physical principles described by the Maxwell's equations dominate. With the development of deep learning techniques, improvement in learning capacity and generalization ability may allow machines to "learn" from properly collected data and "master" the physical laws in certain controlled boundary conditions. In the long run, a hybridization of fundamental physical principles with knowledge from training data could unleash numerous possibilities in electromagnetic theory and engineering that used to be impossible due to the limit of data information and ability of computation.

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Approximate Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics
T.B.A. Senior
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1995
Non-metallic materials and composites are now commonplace in modern vehicle construction, and the need to compute scattering and other electromagnetic phenomena in the presence of material structures has led to the development of new simulation techniques.

front cover of Asymptotic and Hybrid Methods in Electromagnetics
Asymptotic and Hybrid Methods in Electromagnetics
F. Molinet
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2005
There have been significant developments in the field of numerical methods for diffraction problems in recent years, and as a result, it is now possible to perform computations with more than ten million unknowns. However, the importance of asymptotic methods should not be overlooked. Not only do they provide considerable physical insight into diffraction mechanisms, and can therefore aid the design of electromagnetic devices such as radar targets and antennas, some objects are still too large in terms of wavelengths to fall in the realm of numerical methods. Furthermore, very low Radar Cross Section objects are often difficult to compute using multiple methods. Finally, objects that are very large in terms of wavelength, but with complicated details, are still a challenge both for asymptotic and numerical methods. The best, but now widely explored, solution for these problems is to combine various methods in so called hybrid methods.

front cover of Charge Acceleration and the Spatial Distribution of Radiation Emitted by Antennas and Scatterers
Charge Acceleration and the Spatial Distribution of Radiation Emitted by Antennas and Scatterers
Edmund K. Miller
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2022
Given that charge acceleration is the cause of all electromagnetic radiation, the question arises about where such acceleration occurs on objects typically modelled and analysed by electromagnetic engineers. Charge acceleration, as the cause of radiation from these typical kinds of objects (antennas, radars etc) is examined in this book on a quantitative basis.

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Darney's Circuit Theory and Modelling
Updated and extended for EMC/EMI
Ian B. Darney
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2024
The equipotential earth is a fundamental requirement of circuit theory, because it dramatically reduces the complexity of the mathematics required to simulate a circuit. Unfortunately, in the real world, no such equipotential earth exists, nor can it ever do so, which means simulating a circuit to evaluate its electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and susceptibility to electromagnetic interference (EMI) is largely dependent on using the Maxwell equations. The Maxwell equations are inherently complex, however, and so have high processing power requirements and, as with all complex systems, there is a propensity to generate and magnify errors.

front cover of Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by Small Apertures
Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by Small Apertures
Applications to transmission, absorption, and scattering resonances
Young Ki Cho
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2024
This book deals with low-frequency diffraction characteristics of small aperture structures such as a narrow slit and a small hole and their periodic structures, with emphasis on the transmission maximum phenomena through those structures. A narrow slit structure in a conducting plane has been used as a simple model for a narrow slot planar antenna, for example, whereas a small hole structure has been widely used as an aperture-coupling element in a transmission cavity filter or a directional coupler in the microwave regime.

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Electrodynamic Theory of Superconductors
Shu-Ang Zhou
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1991
Electrodynamic Theory of Superconductors is the first book of its kind. It gives a unified and comprehensive theoretical treatment of electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical phenomena in superconductors. Basic concepts and principles in continuum electrodynamics are introduced, with particular emphasis on methodology. Electrodynamic models are developed to study magnetoelastic and thermoelastic superconductors. The author also introduces phenomenological London theory, Cinzburg-Landau theory, electrodynamic models for superconducting thin films, AC losses and Josephson junctions, and BCS microscopic theory of superconductivity. This book can be used as a post graduate level text and as a reference book for researchers and engineers working in the field of applied superconductivity and related areas.

front cover of Electrodynamics
Fulvio Melia
University of Chicago Press, 2001
Practically all of modern physics deals with fields—functions of space (or spacetime) that give the value of a certain quantity, such as the temperature, in terms of its location within a prescribed volume. Electrodynamics is a comprehensive study of the field produced by (and interacting with) charged particles, which in practice means almost all matter.

Fulvio Melia's Electrodynamics offers a concise, compact, yet complete treatment of this important branch of physics. Unlike most of the standard texts, Electrodynamics neither assumes familiarity with basic concepts nor ends before reaching advanced theoretical principles. Instead this book takes a continuous approach, leading the reader from fundamental physical principles through to a relativistic Lagrangian formalism that overlaps with the field theoretic techniques used in other branches of advanced physics. Avoiding unnecessary technical details and calculations, Electrodynamics will serve both as a useful supplemental text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students and as a helpful overview for physicists who specialize in other fields.

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Electromagnetic Mixing Formulas and Applications
Ari Sihvola
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1999
The book discusses homogenisation principles and mixing rules for the determination of the macroscopic dielectric and magnetic properties of different types of media. The effects of structure and anisotropy are discussed in detail, as well as mixtures involving chiral and nonlinear materials. High frequency scattering phenomena and dispersive properties are also discussed.

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Five Photons
Remarkable Journeys of Light Across Space and Time
James Geach
Reaktion Books, 2018
Have you ever wondered what is the most distant source of light we can see, or how a star shines? Did you know that black holes can blaze like cosmic beacons across intergalactic space, and that ancient radio waves might herald the ignition of the very first stars? Have you ever thought about what light really is? Five Photons explains what we know about the universe through five different journeys of light across space and time. They are tales of quantum physics and general relativity, stars and black holes, dark matter and dark energy. Let yourself be swept away on a journey of discovery towards a deeper understanding of the cosmos.

front cover of Foundations of Applied Electromagnetics
Foundations of Applied Electromagnetics
Kamal Sarabandi
Michigan Publishing Services, 2022
Electromagnetics is credited with the greatest achievements of physics in the 19th century. Despite its long history of development, due to its fundamental nature and broad base, research in applied electromagnetics is still vital and going strong. In recent years electromagnetics played a major role in a wide range of disciplines, including wireless communication, remote sensing of the environment, military defense, and medical applications, among many others. Graduate students interested in such exciting fields of research need a strong foundation in field theory, which was part of the motivation for writing this book on classical electromagnetics but with an eye on its modern applications.

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Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
V.A. Borovikov
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1994
The geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) is an efficient method of analysis and design of wave fields. It is widely used in antenna synthesis in microwave, millimetre and infra-red bands, in circuit engineering and laser system design. It is a convenient tool for tackling the problems of wave propagation and scattering at bodies of complex shape. The method combines the simplicity and physical transparency of geometrical optics with high computational accuracy over a wide dynamic range of quantities analysed. The advantage of GTD is particularly pronounced in applications where the wavelength is small compared with the typical size of scatterers, i.e. in situations where the known analytical techniques - variational calculus and numerical analysis - are no longer applicable.

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High-power Electromagnetic Radiators
Nonlethal Weapons and Other Applications
D. V. Giri
Harvard University Press, 2004

Nonlethal weapons are going to play an increasingly important role in combat and in civil conflict in the coming years. They offer a way of controlling dissent and insurgencies without increasing antagonism, particularly in peacekeeping operations. They prevent the unnecessary loss of life among the non-combatant population of adversaries and they decrease the number of casualties due to friendly fire. The need for new nonlethal weapons technologies has been well documented by researchers and policymakers. High-powered electromagnetic radiators are aimed at addressing that need.

Beginning with a brief survey of the history of warfare, D. V. Giri systematically examines various nonlethal weapons technologies, emphasizing those based on electromagnetics. His systematic review of high-power electromagnetic radiators is organized by frequency, coverage, and level of sophistication of underlying technologies. He provides many examples of complete systems, going from wall-socket to radiated waves.

Giri's focus on electromagnetics makes this book essential reading for researchers working with high-power microwave and electromagnetic pulse technologies as well as antenna engineers.


front cover of Lightning Electromagnetics
Lightning Electromagnetics
Vernon Cooray
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2012
Lightning research is an interdisciplinary subject where several branches of engineering and physics converge. Lightning Electromagnetics is a book that caters for the needs of both physicists and engineers. It provides: The physicist with information on how to simulate: the charge generation in thunderclouds, different discharge processes in air that ultimately lead to a lightning flash, and the mechanism through which energetic radiation in the form of X-rays and Gamma rays are produced by lightning flashes; The power engineer with several numerical tools to study the interaction of lightning flashes with power transmission and distribution systems; The telecommunication engineer with numerical procedures with which to calculate the electromagnetic fields generated by lightning flashes and their interactions with overhead and underground telecommunication systems; The electromagnetic specialist with the basic theory necessary to simulate the propagation of lightning electromagnetic fields over the surface of the Earth; The atmospheric scientist with numerical procedures to quantify interactions between lightning flashes and the Earth's atmosphere, including the production of NOx by lightning flashes occurring in the atmosphere. This book also contains a chapter on the stimulation of visual phenomena in humans by electromagnetic fields of lightning flashes, which is essential reading for those who are interested in ball lightning.

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Lord Kelvin
His influence on electrical measurements and units
Paul Tunbridge
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1992
Lord Kelvin (William Thomson), arguably Britain's most eminent scientist after Newton, spent much of his life in work which led to the development of today's electrical units and standards. Despite his influence, there are few biographies of stature (largely due to the abstruse nature of much of his technical research). This treatment concentrates upon his work in three phases; discovery of the fundamental concepts and coding them into universal laws, leading the adoption of the metric system, and securing worldwide use of units and standards (now the IEC system).

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Numerical Methods for Engineering
An introduction using MATLAB® and computational electromagnetics examples
Karl F. Warnick
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2011
This textbook teaches students to create computer codes used to engineer antennas, microwave circuits, and other critical technologies for wireless communications and other applications of electromagnetic fields and waves. Worked code examples are provided for MATLAB technical computing software. It is the only textbook on numerical methods that begins at the undergraduate engineering student level but brings students to the state-of-the-art by the end of the book. It focuses on the most important and popular numerical methods, going into depth with examples and problem sets of escalating complexity. This book requires only one core course of electromagnetics, allowing it to be useful both at the senior and beginning graduate levels. Developing and using numerical methods in a powerful tool for students to learn the principles of intermediate and advanced electromagnetics. This book fills the missing space of current textbooks that either lack depth on key topics (particularly integral equations and the method of moments) and where the treatment is not accessible to students without an advanced theory course. Important topics include: Method of Moments; Finite Difference Time Domain Method; Finite Element Method; Finite Element Method-Boundary Element Method; Numerical Optimization; and Inverse Scattering.

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Office Politics
Computers, Labor, and the Fight for Safety and Health
Mogensen, Vernon L
Rutgers University Press, 1996

The desktop computer has transformed office work. Business and social forecasters claimed that the use of video display terminals (VDTs) in the “Office of the Future” would free workers from routine tasks, giving them more time for creative work and chances for career advancement. Office Politics  argues that, for many VDT workers––most of whom are nonunionized women in low-paying, dead-end jobs––exactly the opposite has been true. VDTs have been used to routinize office tasks; export work via satellite to low-wage, nonunion offshore offices; to de-skill workers and monitor their productivity. And the nature of the work has led to widespread health and safety problems, including vision, musculoskeletal (repetitive motion), and stress-related illnesses. Many have also charged that the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by computer terminals are responsible for miscarriages, for birth defects, and for promoting cancer.           

As office workers sought to protect themselves against these new occupational health and safety problems, they found little help from organized labor, business, or the government. Office Politics  is the first book to explain why. It shows how corporate interests successfully redefined the VDT health and safety crisis as a “comfort” problem, how the government refused to collect data on the true scope of VDT-related illnesses or to regulate Information Age industries, and how labor unions ignored women workers.           

Office Politics is key reading for everyone who works at a computer. It will be of special interest to students, academics, and professionals in political science, sociology, occupational and environmental health, business, labor and management issues, women’s studies, computing, and public policy.



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Recent Advances in High-Power Electromagnetics
Felix Vega
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2024
We live in a modern world supported by large, complex networks, with examples ranging from financial markets to communication, transportation, and security systems. As sensitive electronics become increasingly integrated into every aspect of these infrastructures, the risk posed by high-power electromagnetic (HPEM) threats is growing. This book describes new advancements in HPEM sources, electromagnetic compatibility, and strategies for protecting against intentional EM interference. It also provides insights into the detection, mitigation, and resilience-building techniques necessary to safeguard these essential networks against emerging electromagnetic threats.

front cover of Retro-reflective Beamforming Technique for Microwave Power Transmission
Retro-reflective Beamforming Technique for Microwave Power Transmission
Mingyu Lu
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2024
Microwave power transmission technology, which is a sub-discipline of the wireless power transmission technology, aims to transmit electrical power without using wires/cables in the microwave frequency band. The retro-reflective beamforming technique has the potential to enable efficient and safe microwave power transmission, as it includes the following two technical elements. First, a directional microwave beam is generated as the carrier of wireless power. Second, the microwave power beam could be steered in real time toward mobile wireless power receiver(s). This book offers a comprehensive narrative of retro-reflective beamforming in the context of microwave power transmission.

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Rising Force
The Magic of Magnetic Levitation
James D. Livingston
Harvard University Press, 2011

From Peter Pan to Harry Potter, from David Copperfield to levitating toys, there is magic in conquering gravity. In this first-ever popular introduction to “maglev”— the use of magnetic forces to overcome gravity and friction—James D. Livingston takes lay readers on a journey of discovery, from basic concepts to today’s most thrilling applications.

The tour begins with examples of our historical fascination with levitation, both real and fake. At the next stop, Livingston introduces readers to the components of maglev: gravitational and magnetic forces in the universe, force fields, diamagnetism and stabilization, superdiamagnetism and supercurrents, maglev nanotechnology, and more. He explores the development of the superconductors that are making large-scale levitation devices possible, and the use of magnetic bearings in products ranging from implanted blood pumps to wind turbines, integrated circuit fabrication, and centrifuges to enrich uranium. In the last chapters, we arrive at the science behind maglev transportation systems, such as Chinese trains that travel 250 miles per hour without touching the tracks.

Packed with fascinating anecdotes about the colorful personalities who have “fought friction by fighting gravity,” the book maintains accuracy throughout while it entertains and informs technical and nontechnical readers alike. With so many new applications for magnetic levitation on the horizon, Rising Force is sure to retain its own magic for years to come.


front cover of Theory and Design of Microwave Filters
Theory and Design of Microwave Filters
Ian Hunter
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2001
Microwave filters are vital components in a huge variety of electronic systems, including the rapidly growing communications industry behind mobile radio and satellite communications, as well as radar and other microwave technologies. Ian Hunter provides a graduate-level text that has the aim of enabling the engineer to understand the theory and design of microwave filters.

front cover of Uncertainty Quantification of Electromagnetic Devices, Circuits, and Systems
Uncertainty Quantification of Electromagnetic Devices, Circuits, and Systems
Sourajeet Roy
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2022
Uncertainty Quantification of Electromagnetic Devices, Circuits, and Systems describes the advances made over the last decade in the topic of uncertainty quantification (UQ) and stochastic analysis. The primary goal of the book is to educate and inform electronics engineers about the most recent numerical techniques, mathematical theories, and computational methods to perform UQ for electromagnetic devices, circuits, and systems.

front cover of VALU, AVX and GPU Acceleration Techniques for Parallel FDTD Methods
VALU, AVX and GPU Acceleration Techniques for Parallel FDTD Methods
Wenhua Yu
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014
Development of computer science techniques has significantly enhanced computational electromagnetic methods in recent years. The multi-core CPU computers and multiple CPU work stations are popular today for scientific research and engineering computing. How to achieve the best performance on the existing hardware platforms, however, is a major challenge. In addition to the multi-core computers and multiple CPU workstations, distributed computing has become a primary trend due to the low cost of the hardware and the high performance of network systems. In this book we introduce a general hardware acceleration technique that can significantly speed up FDTD simulations and their applications to engineering problems without requiring any additional hardware devices.

front cover of The Wiener-Hopf Method in Electromagnetics
The Wiener-Hopf Method in Electromagnetics
Vito G. Daniele
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014
This advanced research monograph is devoted to the Wiener-Hopf technique, a function-theoretic method that has found applications in a variety of fields, most notably in analytical studies of diffraction and scattering of waves. It provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject and covers the latest developments, illustrates the wide range of possible applications for this method, and includes an extensive outline of the most powerful analytical tool for the solution of diffraction problems.

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