front cover of Thriving as a Graduate Writer
Thriving as a Graduate Writer
Principles, Strategies, and Habits for Effective Academic Writing
Rachael Cayley
University of Michigan Press, 2023
Thriving as a Graduate Writer offers a comprehensive guide to the multifaceted challenges of writing in graduate school. It shows readers how to think about academic writing, how to manage an academic text, and how to establish an effective writing practice. Graduate students from all disciplines will find concrete strategies and motivation for the enterprise of academic writing. Intended for both multilingual writers and those for whom English is a first language, Thriving as a Graduate Writer offers essential writing support in quick, easily digestible chunks.

Readers of Thriving as a Graduate Writer will:

- Learn how to establish an effective writing practice
- ​Discover how to position themselves as competent and engaged writers
- Learn how to structure their writing, craft effective sentences, and create movement with a text
- Develop processes for draft revisions
- Create individual writing strategies that will last throughout their careers


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Writing Together
Building Social Writing Opportunities for Graduate Students
Rachael Cayley, Fiona Coll, and Daniel Aureliano Newman
University of Michigan Press, 2025
In recent years, graduate writing programs have increasingly paid attention to the benefits of writing initiatives that harness the power of peer presence, interaction, and collectivity. These social-by-design writing initiatives—which could be boot camps, writing groups, write-alongs, retreats, peer review sessions, or show-up-and-write gatherings—rely on two central contentions: that graduate writers need support with the practical challenges of writing productivity and that writing alongside others can be a transformative experience for graduate writers. Social writing opportunities offer uniquely dynamic environments in which graduate students can develop their writing processes. 
Writing Together gathers accounts from graduate writing professionals about how social writing programs are imagined and delivered. It surveys the motivations, rationales, evaluation strategies, and structures that underpin these initiatives in order to create a practical resource for writing professionals who wish to establish or refine their own offerings. Rather than presenting “how to” approaches, the book presents “how we” accounts that enable readers to learn from the creative practices and experiences of others. By capturing a range of experiences, institutional models, and forms of social writing support, Writing Together explains the thinking behind social writing initiatives and the processes through which those initiatives have been assessed. It demonstrates that social writing practices are not just a means to an end, but an end in themselves—that writing together is a great way to write and a promising basis for graduate writing pedagogy and professional development.

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