1. Introduction | Des Freedman and Michael Klontzas
Part I. Comparative International and Critical Overviews
2. Power Without Responsibility: A Celebration | John Durham Peters
3. Using Media History to Inform Media Policy | Nelson Ribeiro
4. Power Without Responsibility: The UK Legacy | Tom O’Malley
5. Irresponsible or Irrelevant? Japan’s Two-tiered Journalism System | Kaori Hayashi
6. Reading Power Without Responsibility From the ‘Periphery’ | Vibodh Parthasarathi
7. Big Tech’s Influx into Africa: A Case of Power Without Responsibility | Winston Mano and L. Lusike Mukhongo
8. Power, Money and Arab Media: A Not-so-simple Saga | Naomi Sakr
9. Beyond Whig Interpretation: Trends in Brazilian Media Histories | Otávio Daros
10. Stamped and Unstamped Media in Contemporary Brazil | Afonso de Albuquerque
Part II. Market Impoverishment
11. Maintaining a Critical Tradition of Situating Media Within Wider Power Relations | Aeron Davis
12. Market Impoverishment, Democratic Choices | Jonathan Hardy
13. Power Without Responsibility: Legacy and Lessons | Dwayne Winseck
14. Australia’s Media Market Failure | Sally Young
Part III. Media Reform: Democratic Choices
15. Why Has Media Reform Failed? | Leo Watkins
16. A Manifesto for a People’s Media: A Response to Power Without Responsibility | Natalie Fenton
17. Against Market Censorship: A Call for Democratising Journalism | Victor Pickard
18. Paradise Lost: Why We Need a Public Service Internet and How it Could Save Our Democracy | Klaus Unterberger
Part IV. Public Interest: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis
19. Speaking Responsibility to Power: Public Communication in Critical Times | Graham Murdock
20. ‘SMET’ and the BBC | Patrick Barwise
21. The Power and Responsibility to Emancipate Audiences: A Reflection on Public Service Media’s Role in Democratic Societies | Karen Donders
22. Public Service, Technology and Innovation | Michael Klontzas
Part V. Radical Journalism: Then and Now
23. Radical Journalism and PWR: Some Lessons from the Founding of the Manchester Guardian | Des Freedman
24. Writing for Hope: Radical Journalism, Then and Now | Victoria Brittain
25. The Black British Press | Omega Douglas
Part VI. Afterword
26. Power Without Responsibility: Looking Back | James Curran
27. The Birth of Power Without Responsibility | Jean Seaton
About the Contributors