6G: Evolution or Revolution?: A converged view of cellular, Wi-Fi, computing and communication
6G: Evolution or Revolution?: A converged view of cellular, Wi-Fi, computing and communication
by Peter Smyth, Peter Willis and David Wisely
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2024 eISBN: 978-1-83953-841-4 | Cloth: 978-1-83953-840-7
There are numerous potential paths toward achieving the 6G network and various factors that could define it. Written by three telecom industry experts, this book explores the opportunities and challenges surrounding the next generation of wireless communication technology. Will 6G build solely on the future evolution success of the 5G network, or will the delivery of 6G facilitate a revolution in technology and infrastructure with the convergence of fixed/mobile networks and collaboration with hyperscalers to help fund it?
Chapter 1: Introduction
Part I: Lessons from history and drivers for 5G transition to 6G and Wi-Fi 6 transition to 8
Chapter 2: 5G next steps to 5G advanced
Chapter 3: Future Wi-Fi
Chapter 4: The future of the Internet
Chapter 5: Opportunities for 6G in Industry 4.0 and roles for Wi-Fi
Part II: 6G - an introduction to standards and key enabling technologies
Chapter 6: 6G - the definition begins with views from standards organisations, industry and academia
Chapter 7: A radical approach to spectrum management
Chapter 8: Millimetre and terahertz wave - 'optical fibres in air'
Chapter 9: 6G convergence
Chapter 10: Non-terrestrial networks (NTNs)
Chapter 11: A radical core network for 6G
Chapter 12: Privacy-enhancing technology and security for 6G
Chapter 13: Artificial intelligence for 6G
Part III: Visions of 6G - evolution and revolution
Chapter 14: Joint communication and sensing (JCAS) in 6G networks