“In a time where climate disaster is taking hold all over the world, this book is needed now more than ever. This book strikes the balance between not sugar coating the climate crisis, but also providing hope in the form of action.”
— Jamie Sarai Margolin, Zero Hour founder and author of Youth to Power
“Luisa and Alex remind us across generations, to unflinchingly take responsibility and face the future together. Read this book. Learn where we have been and where we can and we must go.”
— Harriet Shugarman, award-winning author, university professor, climate educator, policy analyst, and climate activist
“The young have every right to say to us: how could you fail us like this? Luisa and Alex sing a new song and we all have to sing it with them.”
— Cornelia Funke, author of the Dragon Rider series and others
“Beginning to End the Climate Crisis acknowledges the challenge of affecting long-term change, but says that it’s important to keep trying.”
— Foreword Reviews
“The book covers a lot of ground, initially expressing powerfully the injustice that younger generations feel, as their future is stolen. But beyond lamenting the crisis, Luisa and Alex propose steps toward meeting the challenge. From institutionalizing responsibility to creating clear communication, rethinking economic systems, redefining the good life, addressing justice issues, getting educated, imagining a positive future, and getting organized, they challenge the reader to participate.”
— Elders Climate Action Massachusetts’s newsletter