Introduction, by Peter Barker and Roger Ariew
Part I: Scientific Institutions
1. David Lux, Societies, Circles, Academies, and Organizations: A Historiographic Essay on Seventeenth-Century Science
2. Mordechai Feingold, Tradition versus Novelty: Universities and Scientific Societies in the Early Modern Period
Part II: Medicine and Geology
3. Harold Cook, Physick and Natural History in Seventeenth-Century England
4. Roger Ariew, A New Science of Geology in the Seventeenth Century?
Part III: Astronomy and Physics
5. Alan Gabbey, Innovation and Continuity in the History of Astronomy: The Case of the Rotating Moon
6. Joseph Pitt, The Heavens and Earth: Bellarmine and Galileo
7. Bernard R. Goldstein, The Blasphemy of Alfonso X: History or Myth?
Part IV: Mathematics
8. Francois De Gandt, Cavalieri's Indivisibles and Euclid's Canons
9. Emily Grosholz, Descartes' Geometry and the Classical Tradition
Notes on the Contributors