List of maps
1. Madagascar and the Indian Ocean
2. Archaeological sites and datation
3. Principal slaving-ports, 17th- 18th centuries
4. Main roads, hydrography and population density
List of pictures
1. Sculpture of an Austronesian ship. Borobudur temple, Java, 8th-9th century.
2. Reproduction of an Austronesian vessel, of the type probably used by early settlers in Madagascar.
3. Chinese map of southern Africa, 14th century. Southern Africa is shown as a land mass with a vast lake in the interior. The large island marked Sang-ku-nu (‘the slaves of al-Zanj’) is Madagascar.
4. Ruins of Antalaotra settlement, northwest coast
5. ‘White’ and ‘black’ families as recorded by Flacourt, mid-17th century.
6. Rafaralahy, governor of Foulpointe under King Radama I.
7. General view of Antananarivo
8. A senior army officer and his wife, 1860s. Rainitomponiera and Razaimanana.
9. King Tsiarasso of Nossi-be, 1899.
10. Jean Ralaimongo
11. Philibert Tsiranana
12. Didier Ratsiraka
13. Marc Ravalomanana
Chapter One Settlement
Chapter Two Transforming the Island
Chapter Three Royalty and the Rise of Kingdoms
Chapter Four The Slave-Trader Kings
Chapter Five The Kingdom of Madagascar
Chapter Six The French Period
Chapter Seven An Island in the World
Appendix One Acronyms
Appendix Two Glossary
Appendix Three Biographies