edited by Joanna E. Lambert, Margaret A. H. Bryer and Jessica M. Rothman
foreword by T. H. Clutton-Brock
afterword by Alison Richard
University of Chicago Press, 2024
eISBN: 978-0-226-82974-6 | Paper: 978-0-226-82975-3 | Cloth: 978-0-226-82973-9
Library of Congress Classification QL737.P9H785 2024
Dewey Decimal Classification 599.815

Exploring everything from nutrients to food acquisition and research methods, a comprehensive synthesis of the study of diet and feeding in nonhuman primates.
What do we mean when we say that a diet is nutritious? Why can some animals get all the energy they need from eating leaves while others would perish on such a diet? Why don’t mountain gorillas eat fruit all day as chimpanzees do? Answers to these questions about food and feeding are among the many tasty morsels that emerge from this authoritative book. Informed by the latest scientific tools and millions of hours of field and laboratory work on species across the primate order and around the globe, this volume is an exhaustive synthesis of our understanding of what, why, and how primates eat. State-of-the-art information presented at physiological, behavioral, ecological, and evolutionary scales will serve as a road map for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners as they work toward a holistic understanding of life as a primate and the urgent conservation consequences of diet and food availability in a changing world.

See other books on: Ethology (Animal Behavior) | Nutrition | Physiology | Primates | Primatology
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