Cloth: 978-0-226-06971-5 | Electronic: 978-0-226-06972-2
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226069722.001.0001
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In An Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics, author Richard Boyd includes basic nomenclature and information so that students from astronomy or physics can quickly orient themselves in the material. Subsequent chapters describe earthbound and space born instruments operating in service to nuclear astrophysics worldwide; background topics such as nuclear and neutrino physics, scattering formalism, and thermonuclear reaction rates; and information on galactic chemical evolution, solar nucleosynthesis, s- and r-processes, and gamma-ray bursts. Each chapter includes problem sets against which students may test their knowledge before moving ahead, and the author has included copious references intended to guide students to further study.
An Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics is an essential textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in astronomy and astrophysics. It is also an invaluable overview of the subject for researchers in nuclear astrophysics and related fields.
Richard N. Boyd is science director at the National Ignition Facility in Livermore, California.
“Richard Boyd’s Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics is sure to become a standard resource, both for the student and professional alike. This highly engaging and readable work provides the most thorough and up-to-date coverage of the subject yet, and includes excellent problem sets at the end of each chapter, perfectly suited to graduate-level students.”
“Richard Boyd’s comprehensive and well-written book on nuclear astrophysics covers a broad range of topics, including nuclear physics, astrophysics, stellar evolution, and nucleosynthesis. I would recommend this text to both students—I would certainly use it in my graduate course—and researchers alike.”
1 Nuclear Astrophysics Background
2 The Instruments Used to Study Astrophysics
3 Nuclear Basics of Nuclear Astrophysics
4 Stellar Basics of Nuclear Astrophysics
5 Hydrogen Burning
6 Advanced Stellar Evolution, Supernovae, and Gamma-Ray Bursters
7 Production of the Abundant Heavy Nuclides
8 Nucleosynthesis on the Proton-rich Side of Stability, X-Ray Bursts,and Magnetars
9 The Beginning of the Universe
Appendix: Addition of Angular Momenta, Clebsch-GordanCoefficients, and Isospin