List of Figures
1. Situating Scholarly Writing Processes across Life Contexts | Kim Hensley Owens and Derek Van Ittersum
2. Sand Creeks and Productivity: A Writer’s Reckoning of Personal and Academic Selves | Ann N. Amicucci
3. Relearning to Write in Crip Time (on the Tenure Clock) | Melanie Kill
4. Process Not Progress (or, Not-Progress is Process): A Narrative Meditation | Hannah J. Rule
5. When Writing Makes You Sick | Tim Laquintano
6. Speak in the Tongue of Your Father: Disentangling “American” Work Ethic and Professional Curiosity | Kate L. Pantelides
7. “Embodied Action” as Precarious Process: Writing Productivity at the Intersection of Crip Self-Care and Academic Contingency | Andrew Harnish
8. Showing Up: Una Manera sobre Writing Process | Zakery R. Muñoz
9. Writing Queerly: Honoring Fragmented and Embodied Identities in Composition | Beth Buyserie
10. Transformative Practices: Black Women Exist Beyond Our Ability to Produce | Tatiana Benjamin
11. Undergraduates and Faculty Writing as Partners | Kellie Keeling, Emily Pridgen, and J. Michael Rifenburg
12. The School Bus Never Came: How Crisis Shapes Writing Time | Melissa Dinsman and Heather Robinson
13. (Intra-) Active Notebooking as Becoming | Kevin Roozen and Steve Lamos
14. Externalized Process and Writing Tools | Laura R. Micciche
About the Authors