List of Figures
List of Tables
Mobility and Migration in Ancient Mesoamerican Cities: An Introduction | M. Charlotte Arnauld, Christopher S. Beekman, and Grégory Pereira
Part I: Bioanthropological Approaches
1. Urban and Rural Population Movement Patterns during the Late and Terminal Classic in the Belize River Valley, Belize | Carolyn Freiwald
2. Classic and Postclassic Population Movement and Cultural Change in the Belize Valley, Belize | Julie A. Hoggarth, Carolyn Freiwald, and Jaime J. Awe
3. The Bioarchaeology of Maya Population Mobility, Trade, and Settlement Growth during the Classic Maya Period: A View from the Yucatecan Coastal Port of Xcambo, Mexico | Andrea Cucina, Thelma N. Sierra Sosa, and Vera Tiesler
4. Immigrant Lives: Mobility and Migration in Postclassic Cholula, Mexico | Meggan Bullock
Part II: Classic Lowland Maya Mobility
5. Mobility as Resilience: A Perspective on Coastal to Inland Migration in the Eastern Maya Lowlands | Elizabeth Graham and Linda Howie
6. Maya on the Move: Mobility and Migration in the Classic Maya Kingdom of Copan, Honduras | Nancy Gonlin and Kristin V. Landau
7. Water, Land, and Ancient Maya Population Dynamics in the Puuc Hills, Mexico Nicholas P. Dunning, Michael P. Smyth, Eric Weaver, and | David Ortegón Zapata
8. Maya Residential Architecture, Mobility, and the Terminal Classic Abandonment of Lowland Urban Settlements | M. Charlotte Arnauld, Eva Lemonnier, Dominique Michelet, and Mélanie Forné
Part III. Late Mesoamerican Migrations
9. Coalescence at Chicoloapan, Mexico: Migration and the Making of a Post-Collapse Community | Sarah C. Clayton
10. Ephemeral Cities? The Longevity of the Postclassic Tarascan Urban Sites of the Zacapu Malpaís, Mexico, and Its Consequences for the Migration Process | Grégory Pereira, Marion Forest, Elsa Jadot, and Véronique Darras
11. Itza Maya Migration and Mobility: A Tale of Two (or More) Cities | Prudence M. Rice
12. Cohesive Social Groups and the Formation of Enclaves in West-Central Mexico | Christopher S. Beekman
Part IV: Discussion
13. Migration and Its Close Linkages | Dominique Michelet