Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
The Q+/Papias Hypothesis
Part 1. Papias's Exposition of Logia about the Lord
Introduction to Part 1: Salvaging a Textual Shipwreck
Chapter 1. Textual Reconstruction and Commentary
Chapter 2. Papias's Exposition and Luke-Acts
Chapter 3. Luke's Knowledge of the Exposition and the Synoptic Problem
Part 2. The Logoi of Jesus
Introduction to Part 2: Salvaving Another Textual Shipwreck
Chapter 4. Matthew's Non-Markan Source (Q without Luke)
Chapter 5. The Logoi of Jesus (Q+) and Its Antetexts
Greek Synopsis of the Logoi of Jesus and the Synoptic Gospels
Chapter 6. The Logoi of Jesus as Literature
Chapter 7. Logoi as Papias's Second "Translation" of Matthew
Chapter 8. The Logoi of Jesus as a Source for the Gospel of Mark
Chapter 9. The Logoi of Jesus as a Witness to the Historical Jesus
Chapter 10. Why the Logoi of Jesus and Papias's Exposition Shipwrecked
Appendix 1. The Logoi of Jesus: Text and Translation
Appendix 2. Concordance to the Logoi of Jesus (with Richard C. Miller)
Appendix 3. Overview of the Logoi of Jesus and the Synoptic Gospels
Appendix 4. Comparison of the Critical Edition of Q and the Logoi of Jesus
Index 1. Jewish Antetexts in the Logoi of Jesus
Index 2. Modern Authors
Index 3. Subjects