CONTENTS Foreword Gregory S. Hunter Preface Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Setting the Stage: Challenges and Opportunities in Leading Archives and Records Programs Bruce W. Dearstyne Introduction The Tenor of the Times: State Archives and Records Programs Challenges and Opportunities Perspectives on Building Strong Archives and Records Programs Chapter 2. The Records Management Leader Eugenia K. Brumm Introduction Contextual Leadership Playing a Leadership Role Strategy Vision, Innovation, and Risk-Taking Building and Managing Relationships Conclusion Chapter 3. Records Management Standards: What They Are and Why They Are Important Diane K. Carlisle Laying the Foundation Definitions Types of Standards Who Does the Work? Evaluating a Standard for Potential Use Ways to Use Standards ISO Standards for Records Management Electronic Records Management Applications Process-oriented Standards Process-oriented Reports/Guidelines Summary Helpful Web Sites for Records and Information Management Standards Chapter 4. Leading a Successful Records Management Program Carol E .B. Choksy Introduction: The Key Role of Leadership Communication Relationships Strategy Records Management Program Planning Employee Development and Leadership Project Management Organizational Environment Concluding Observations Chapter 5. From Cultural Luxury to ?The Way We Do Things . . . ?? The Influence of Leadership in Archives and Records Management Peter Emmerson Introduction In the Beginning The Challenge of Constant Change Trimming to New Business Realities Learning from Experience Engaging with Reality Seizing the Opportunities Serving the ?Doers? Entrepreneurial Approaches The Human Factor Setting People Free Managing the Future Conclusion Chapter 6. Competing for Relevance: Archives in a Multiprogram Organization James E. Fogerty ?Opportunity and Adaptation?--The Archivist?s Mantra Institutional Context Identifying Internal Needs and Objectives Identifying Eternal Needs and Objectives Why Business? Creating the Mind-set Seizing Opportunity--Examples from the Real World Conclusion Chapter 7. Trying to Lead from Good to Great and Some Reflections on Leadership at All Levels Mark A. Greene Introduction The Leadership Challenge at AHC Creating a Vision for the Program Identifying and Managing Change at AHC Making Decisions and Taking Responsibility Leadership at Other Levels in the Hierarchy Dealing with Challenges Conclusion Chapter 8. Meeting Leadership Challenges: Lessons from Experience Edie Hedlin Support the Goals of the Parent Organization Define and Constantly Articulate Your Mission Seek and Work with Allies to Advance Your Program Develop Careful Plans and Set Priorities Focus on Staff Productivity Evaluate Your Leadership or Management Style Chapter 9. Stranger in a Strange Land: The Archivist and the Corporation Philip F. Mooney Introduction: Growing Numbers of Corporate Archives Why Corporate Archival Programs Begin Why Coporate Archives Programs Fail Selling History in Management Integrating Archives into the Business Plan Marketing the Archives The Importance of Relationships Measuring the Value The Leadership Factor Conclusion: Leadership Is the Key Chapter 10. Managing Change at the Vermont State Archives: A Continuing Issue Gregory Sanford and Tanya Marshall Introduction History of the Vermont State Archives Reintroducing the Evidentiary/Accountability Function of Archives Presenting Records-based Information to Decision Makers Gaining Statutory Authority to Actively Manage Records and Information Across Government Integrating Records and Archival Management Functions Lessons Learned Chapter 11. Appraising, Transferring, Preserving, and Making Available Born-Digital Records from Central Government Departments (?Seamless Flow?) Kelvin Smith Background The Business Change and Training Project Project Teamwork Redaction of Digital Records in Response to Requests Under the Freedom of Information Act Pilot Transfers Benefits Analysis Conclusion Chapter 12. Leading from the Middle: Building a University Archives Leon Stout My Route to Penn State Archivist Assessing the Archives Program Taking Advantage of Opportunities Records Management and University Archives Opportunities in Electronic Records Promoting Awareness of Archives Is It Me or Is It the Archives? Institutionalizing Archival Success Conclusion Chapter 13. The State Archives, Education, and Politics in New York Christine Ward Introduction The New York State Archives and Education New Opportunities: Education Policy Change in New York State New Opportunities: Leadership Change in New York State Chapter 14. Leading Archives and Records Programs: Perspectives and Insights Bruce W. Dearstyne The Essential Role of Leadership Varieties of Leadership Three Models for Developing Strong Programs Identifying and Implementing Successful Strategies Chapter 15. Leading Archives and Records Programs: Issues and Sources Bruce W. Dearstyne Looking Toward the Future Some Issues for Future Consideration Sources About the Editor and Contributors Index
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