[JM1][contents page, page v; blank verso page vi]
List of Illustrations @@@
Preface @@@
Acknowledgments @@@
One. Integrating Rock Art and Archaeology: Symbolic Culture as Archaeology, Angus R. Quinlan @@@
Part I. Ethnographic Perspectives
Two. Stories as Old as the Rocks: Rock Art and Myth, Melvin Brown and Alanah Woody @@@
Three. The Mountain Maidu Homeland: Native and Anthropological Interpretations of Cultural Identity, Helen Valborg and Farrell Cunningham @@@
Part II. Rock Art?s Social Contexts Past and Present
Four. Toward a Gender-Inclusive View of Rock Art in the Northern Great Basin, William J. Cannon and Alanah Woody @@@
Five. Grinding Stone and Pecking Rock: Rock Art of the High Basins, Spanish Springs, Nevada, Signa W. Pendegraft @@@
Six. A Regional Settlement System Approach to Petroglyphs: Application to the Owyhee Uplands, Southeastern Oregon, Myrtle P. Shock @@@
Seven. The Study of a Rock Art Site in Southeastern Oregon, Keo Boreson @@@
Eight. Contexts in the Analysis of Rock Art: Settlement and Rock Art in the Warner Valley Area, Oregon, William J. Cannon and Mary F. Ricks @@@
Nine. Petroglyph Dating on the Massacre Bench, Eric W. Ritter, Alanah Woody, and Alan Watchman @@@
Ten. Rock Art as an Artifact of Religion and Ritual: The Archaeological Construction of Rock Art?s Past and Present Social Contexts, Angus R. Quinlan @@@
References @@@
Contributors @@@
Index @@@