Foreword - John L. Palmer
Preface. A Dahrendorf Inversion and the Twilight of the Family: The Challenge to the Conference - Daniel P. Moynihan, edited and amended by Timothy M. Smeeding
Chapter 1. The Challenge of Family System Changes for Research and Policy - Timothy M. Smeeding, Daniel P. Moynihan, and Lee Rainwater
Part I. What Do We Know?
Chapter 2. The Spread of Single-Parent Families in the United States Since 1960 - David T. Ellwood and Christopher Jencks
Chapter 3. Unmarried Cohabitation and Parenthood: Here to Stay? European Perspectives - Kathleen Kiernan
Chapter 4. Single-Parent Poverty, Inequality, and the Welfare State - Lee Rainwater and Timothy M. Smeeding
Chapter 5. Father Absence and Child Well-Being: A Critical Review - Wendy Sigle-Rushton and Sara McLanahan
Part II. Commentary on the Family
Chapter 6. Fatherlessness in Non-Intact Families and Gender Inequality in Intact Families: Two Sides of the Same Coin? - Janet C. Gornick
Chapter 7. The Developmentalist Perspective: A Missing Voice - P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale
Chapter 8. Demography, Public Policy, and “Problem” Families - Douglas A. Wolf
Part III. Policy Perspectives
Chapter 9. Marriage, Family, and the Welfare of Children: A Call for Action - Wade F. Horn
Chapter 10. Progressive Family Policy in the Twenty-First Century - Will Marshall and Isabel V. Sawhill
Chapter 11. Disincentives to Care: A Critique of U.S. Family Policy - Nancy Folbre
Part IV. Making Sense of Family Change and Family Policy
Chapter 12. The Value of Children - Samuel H. Preston
Chapter 13. Values, Policy, and the Family - Frank F. Furstenberg
Chapter 14. Policy and the Family - Irwin Garfinkel