Contents List of Illustrations 000 Acknowledgments 000 Chronology 000 Introduction 000 First Part: Travels in Veracruz, Puebla, and Mexico Chapter 1 000 Departure from Vienna--First Glimpse of the Sea--We Embark--The Steamship Tay- -An Account Thereof--Departure from Europe--The Ocean--The Storm--Porto Santo- -Madeira--Funchal--Tropical Vegetation--A Nunnery--The Fish and Fruit Market-- A Promenade--Travels in the West Indies--A Thunderstorm--Ocean Services Chapter 2 000 Barbados--Location--Surface Area--Population--Bridgetown--A House--Population- -Fruit Market--The Grenadines--Grenada--Location--Surface Area--Georgetown-- Swimming Ability of the Negro--Products--Vegetation--A Change of Steamships-- The Tweed--Jacmel--Haiti--Location and Extension--Culture--Population-- Government--Tremendous Heat--Rats--Sleepless Nights--Port Royal--Jamaica--The Blue Mountains--Divisions--Kingston--Mosquitoes--Vultures--The Southern Cross- -Cape San Antonio--Havana--Its Luxury--The Island of Cuba--Location--Surface Area--Population--Plaza de Armas--House of Refreshment--Paseo Tacon--El Cerro- -Buildings and Factories--Culture of the Land Chapter 3 000 North Winds--The Campeche Coast--Sea Breezes--The Mainland Coast--Veracruz-- The Harbor--The Fortress--Location, Climate, and Population of the State--The Hotel--An Evening Therein--Sand Dunes--Santa Fe--Tepache--The First Day's Journey--Paso de Ovejas--Barrancas--Midway Point--Oak Forest--Arrival in Mirador Chapter 4 000 Mirador--Its Inhabitants--Other German Properties--View of Orizaba--The Cordillera--Hut Frames--Soil and Climate--Winter Rain--Savannah--Vegetation of the Barrancas--Tiger Grotto--Orange Groves--Zacuapan--Esperanza--Customs of the People--Fandango--San Bartolo--Feast Day--Reflections over the Indian Viewpoint--Their Physique Chapter 5 000 Christmas Eve--Excursion to Huatusco--Market in Mirador--Items That Are Brought There--Lassos--Tiger Hunting--An Indian--His Woman--The Governor-- Condition of Mexico in the Year 1845--Revolution--Hazards--The Evening of a Party--Theft--Cebo--Cockfighting--The Fort--Ancient Indian Ruin--Great Thirst- -Description of the Barranca--Garrapatas--Hieroglyphics--Life in the Wilderness--Return and Departure from Mirador Chapter 6 000 My House in Huatusco--Journey to Orizaba--Barranca de San Juan--San Juan Coscomatepec--Earthquake--Santa Maria Alpatlahua--Journey in the Mountains-- Devastation of the Forests--Jacale--The Peak of Orizaba--A Dangerous Glimpse-- La Cuchilla--The West Side of the Cordillera--The High Plains--Tlachichuca-- Maguey and Pulque--Los Derrumbados--Tepetitlan--La Capilla--Canoitas--A Mexican Hut--La Cumbre--Achilchotla--Barranca de Chichiquila--Huatusco Chapter 7 000 My Life in Huatusco--A Small Adventure--A Phenomenon--My Economy--Hills-- Journey through Puerto Viejo--Waterfall--The Xamapa Barranca--Sinkholes of Rio Xamapa--Concerning the Shape of the Mountain--Pueblo Viejo--Bite of a Poisonous Serpent--Ancient Woods--A Winding Plant at the Water Spring--Three Encinos--Chicuhuite--Mule Drivers--Mules, Their Burdens and Travels--Cordova-- Two Enormous Palms--Market--Return to Huatusco Chapter 8 000 Political Condition of Mexico in Early 1846--My Illness--Rainy Season--Journey to the Capital--Tomatlan--Barranca de Metlaque--Orizaba--The Factory of Cololapan--Products of the Same--Ruses against Bandits--Their Cruelty-- Aculzingo--Puente Colorado--Canada de Ixtapan--The Altiplano--San Agustin del Palmar--Bad Water--Chula--Barranca Honda--San Simon--Acatzingo--The Inn Thereof--Bandit Raid--San Bartolo--Amozoc--Arrival in Puebla Chapter 9 000 Puebla--Architecture of the City, Streets, and Houses--Guest House--Plaza Mayor--The Cathedral--Another Church and Scientific Establishment--Cholula-- The Pyramid--Church of San Francisco--The Diligencia--Road from Puebla to Mexico--Rio Frio--Venta de Cordova--View of the Valley of Mexico. Chapter 10 000 Mexico City--Concerning the Wealth and Current Position of the Government--The Plaza Mayor--The Cathedral and Other Buildings--The College of Mining, the Botanical Gardens, and the Academy of Fine Arts--The University and Museum-- Plazuela of the Voladores--Paseo de la Viga--Canal of the Same Name--Santa Anita--The Chinampas--The Alameda, Paseo Nuevo, Citadel, and Water Supply-- Theater--Guest Houses and Warehouses--Tacubaya--Chapultepec--Guadalupe--Penon de los Banos--The Pyramids of Teotihuacan--A Few More Things Concerning My Residence and the Political Conditions of Mexico Chapter 11 000 Journey to Toluca--Road to Lerma--Guajimalpa--Cerro de las Cruces--Lerma--Road to Toluca--The City of Toluca--Its Dilapidation--Stop Therein--Revolution-- Otomi--Market--Theater--Bullfights--Trip to the Volcano--Cocustepec--Ascent of the Volcano--The Crater--Pool of the Same--Pico del Fraile--Cultivation of the Fields--South Side of Toluca--Tenango--San Pedro--Tenancingo--Industry Thereof--Barranca de Tequalaya Chapter 12 000 Journey to the Mines of Zacualpan--The Plain--Spruce Forests--Dangers of the Roads--Tisca--Road to Jaltepec--Vegetation--Hacienda Los Arcos--Procedures at the Silver Mines--The Smelter--The Amalgamation Process--Excursion to Zacualpan--Splendid View of That Place--The Mine "La Golondrina" at Tecicapan- -Mining in Mexico--Return Trip to Toluca--Manialtenango--Mineral Springs at Ixtapan Chapter 13 000 Journey to the Capital City--The Political Conditions of Mexico in September 1846--Immense Progress of the North Americans--Departure of Santa Anna--Hatred of Strangers--Departure for Toluca--Loss of My Things through Robbery--Return Trip over Puebla, Perote, and Jalapa--The Altiplano--Ojo de Agua--Fata Morgana--Perote--Las Vigas--El Mal Pais--The Eastern Slope--Jalapa--Beauty of the Environs--El Plan del Rio--Puente Nacional--Excursion to Zacuapan, Mirador, and Huatusco--Departure from These Places--Journey to Veracruz and Alvarado--Of Its Fortification and Environs Second Part: Travels in Yucatan, Tabasco, and Chiapas Chapter 14 000 Sea Journey to Campeche--View of the City--Arrival on Land--Campeche-- Description of the City--Dress of the People--Environs--Quintas--Yucatan-- Industry and Products--Commerce--Indians--Climate--Political Conditions--Delay in Campeche--Poverty of the Country--Wealth of the Sea--Civil War--The Padres Camargo--My Sad Condition and Illness--Christmas. Chapter 15 000 New Year 1847--New Year's Eve in My Room--Struggle with My Boa Constrictor-- Lerma--Journey to Champoton--Coastal Journey by Canoes--Sea Journey on the Same--Unpropitious Weather--Champoton--The River--Concerning the Population of the Country--Cuyos--Environs of Paraiso--Journey along the River--Xantel--A Beverage Called Pozole--Beautiful Forests--Ulumal--An Evening with an Indian-- Return Trip to Campeche--End of the Civil War--Armed Uprising of the Aboriginal Inhabitants--Carnival Chapter 16 000 Shipwreck of the English Steamship Tweed--A Document Referring to this Shipwreck--Description of the Same--Strange Delivery of a Letter--Another Delay in Campeche--Map of Yucatan--Political Conditions--Holy Week Chapter 17 000 Journey to Uxmal--Hampolol--Footwear, Springs, and Vegetation of the Same-- Tenabo--Casa Nacional--Tupiles--Quemasones--Hecelchakan--Pocboc--Dzitbalche-- Calkini--Becal--Uxmal--Description of the Ruins--House of the Magician--The Nunnery--House of the Governor--House of the Turtles--The House of the Doves-- The House of the Old Woman--El Picote--Indian Dance--Dangerous Signs of an Indian Rebellion--Departure from Uxmal--A Koche--Wilderness--Tremendous Heat-- A Forest Fire--Return Trip and Arrival in Campeche Chapter 18 000 Pilgrimage to Sambula--News from the Battleground--Capture of Veracruz--Defeat of the Mexican Army at Cerro Gordo--Taking of Perote and Puebla--Journey to Merida--Halacho--The Capital--Description of the Same--Lives and Doings of the Inhabitants--Industry and Commerce--Henequen, or Sisal Hemp--Newspapers--An Inn--Fiesta of San Sebastian--Cleanliness of the Yucatecan Clothing--Sacrifice of the Indian--Errors of the Same--Environs of Merida--The Cenote of Kopoma-- Concerning the Origins of the Cenote--Return Journey to Campeche Chapter 19 000 Summer Morning in the Tropics--China--Hacienda Chivic--Vegetation--Dyewood Forests--Of Its Costs in the Country--Life of the Woodcutter--Indian Dance-- Seiba the Cabecera--The Boundary of the Cultivated Estate--Indian Rebellion-- Proclamation of the Same--Unfortunate End for Mexico--Conquest of the Capital- -Peace Negotiations--The Fiesta of San Roman--New Unrest in Yucatan-- Preparations for Departure--Departure from Campeche Chapter 20 000 Journey to Tabasco--Capture of the City by the North Americans--Difficulties in Reaching Tabasco--The Pongo San Luis--Sea Travel--Unusual Pilgrimage-- Chiltepec--Arrival and Reception There--Mosquitoes--On the Rio Seco--Flooding of the Same--A Night in Espino--San Juan Bautista of Tabasco--Location, Inhabitants, and Climate Thereof--Of the Friendly Reception There--Rebellion of the Troops--Political Cycles Chapter 21 000 Journey to Teapa--River Pongos--Alligators--Ways and Means of Killing Them-- The Teapa River--Cacao Plantations along the Shores--Outpost of the Same in Tabasco--Sitios--La Sylva--Pueblo Nuevo--View of the Mountains--Jose Maria-- Eremita--Teapa--Location--Houses--Inhabitants--Commerce--Production of Hule-- Climate--The Tina Sickness--Vegetation--Original Forests--Natural Products-- Residence with Dr. Lefevre--The Mountains of Puyacatengo--Life and Doings in Teapa--Christmas--Excursion to Cocona and Rosario Chapter 22 000 New Year 1848--Emotional Life of the Traveler--Adventure in the Juiba Brook-- The Stalactite Cave "Cueva del Tigre" in Puyacatengo Mountain--Mountain Formation--First Journey in the Territory of Chiapas--The Sitio "La Esperanza"--Location and Vegetation--Sulphur Springs--Springs of Cooking Salt- -Neglect of Spiritual Care--Church Consecration in Istapangahoya--The Madregal and the Stalactite Cave of Tapijulapa--Return Trip over Trinidad and Rosario. Chapter 23 000 The Sitio Azufre--Location Thereof--Description of the Sulphur Spring Thereof- -Santa Rosalie--Lluvia--Rosario--Journey to Pichucalco--Location of the Place- -Inhabitants and Their Activity--Dr. Louis Bouchot--Vegetation of Chiapas-- Festival in the Last Part of Carnival--Improvised Theater--Summoning of a Tragedy--The Game of Chance Called Monte--A Minor Uprising--Return to Teapa-- Sad News of the Caste War in Yucatan Chapter 24 000 Departure from Teapa--San Jose--Second Stay in San Juan Bautista of Tabasco-- River Journey on the Grijalva or Tabasco--Chilapa--The Bank of the River-- Guadalupe de la Frontera--A Stop There--The North American Warship Aetna-- Departure with the Schooner Arietes to Havana--Departure from the Dry Land of Tropical America--Difficult and Protracted Ocean Voyage--Storms, Thundershowers, St. Elmo's Fire--Ship's Log until Arrival in Havana Chapter 25 000 Second Stop in Havana--The Plaza de Armas--The Tacon Theater--The Liceo de Havana--The Alameda de Paula--Regla--Marianao--Tobacco Factory--The German Support Society--Natural History Collections--Departure for Philadelphia-- Journey to the United States of North America--Arrival in Europe Notes 000 Index 000
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