List of Figures
Note on Translations
Introduction: Athens and Jerusalem
1. Socrates and the Reason of Judaism: Moses Mendelssohn and Immanuel Kant
Socrates and the Age of Enlightenment
Mendelssohn’s Phaedo
Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone
Mendelssohn and the French Revolution
2. Noah and Noesis: Greeks, Jews, and the Hegelian Dialectic
Socrates and Christ, Kant and Hegel
Noah and Deucalion
Abraham and the Greek Republics
The Tragedy of Judaism
3. Matthew Arnold in Zion: Hebrews, Hellenes, Aryans, and Semites
History, Language, Culture
Arnold: Between Psychomachy and Physiology
The Philological Laboratory and the Jewish Question
4. Greeks, Jews, and the Death of God: Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche
Greek Nature and Jewish Appetites: Ludwig Feuerbach’s The Essence of Christianity
Prometheus and the Pentateuch: Karl Marx ”On the Jewish Question”
“Dionysus against the Crucified”: Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Christianity
5. Moses on the Acropolis: Sigmund Freud
The Disturbance of Philology
The Life of Moses
The Triumph of Geistigkeit
Between Hannibal and Winckelmann
Epilogue: “Metaphors we live by ... ”
Works Cited