Part One: Introduction
1. The Treatise
2. The Manuscripts
3. The Edition
Part Two: Text
Epistola Marcheti de Padua
Letter of Marchetto of Padua
Treatise 1
1. De Inventione Musice
On the Discovery of Music
2. De Pulcritudione Musice
On the Beauty of Music
3. De Utilitate Musice
On the Utility of Music
4. De Iudicio Musice
On the Judgment of Music
5. Quid Sit Musica
The Definition of Music
6. Unde Dicatur Musica
Etymology of the Word "Music"
7. De Divisione Musice
On the Division of Music
8. De Musica Armonica
On Harmonic Music
9. De Sono Qui Est Vox
On Sound That Is Voice
10. Unde Dicatur Vox
Etymology of the Word "Voice"
11. De Distinctione Vocum
On Distinguishing Types of Voice
12. De Musica Organica
On Organic Music
13. De Sono Qui Non Est Vox
On Sound That Is Not Voice
14. De Musica Rithimica
On Rhythmic Music
15. De Divisione Musice
On the Division of Music
16. De Genere Generalissimo et Specie Specialissima in Musica
On the Broadest Genus and the Irreducible Species in Music
Treatise 2
1. De Tono Quid Sit
On the Definition of the Whole Tone
2. Unde Dicatur Tonus
Etymology of the Word "Tone"
3. De Nominibus Toni
On Names for the Whole Tone
4. In Quibus Numeris Constituatur Tonus
The Numbers in Which the Whole Tone Is To Be Constituted
5. Demonstratio Partium Toni
Demonstration of the Parts of the Whole Tone
6. De Dyesi
On the Diesis
7. De Semitoniis Dyatonico et Enarmonico Simul, Eo Quod Unum per Aliud Melius Cognoscatur
On the Diatonic and Enharmonic Semitones Together, Because One Is Better Understood Through the Other
8. De Semitonio Cromatico
On the Chromatic Semitone
9. De Proportionibus in Quibus
Consistit Tonus, ac Etiam
Semitonium Enarmonicum et Dyatonicum
On the Proportions in Which the Whole Tone, the Enharmonic Semitone, and the Diatonic Semitone Consist
10. De Proportionibus Consonantiarum et Dissonantiarum
On the Proportions of Consonances and Dissonances
Treatise 3
1. De Numeris Musicalibus et De Consonantiis in Speciali
On Musical Numbers and on the Consonances, One by One
2. De Dyapente Consonantia
On the Consonance of the Diapente
3. De Dyapason Consonantia
On the Consonance of the Diapason
4. De Dyapason Dyatessaron Consonantia
On the Consonance of the Diapason Diatessaron
5. De Dyapason Dyapente Consonantia
On the Consonance of the Diapason Diapente
6. De Bisdyapason Consonantia
On the Consonance of the Bisdiapason
Treatise 4
1. De Proportionibus
On Proportions
2. De Proportionibus Quot Sint
How Many Proportions There Are
3. De Sesquitercia Proportione
On the Sesquitertial Proportion
4. De Sesqualtera Proportione
On the Sesquialter Proportion
5. De Dupla Proportione
On the Duple Proportion
6. De Dupla Superbipartiente Proportione
On the Duple Superbipartient Proportion
7. De Tripla Proportione
On the Triple Proportion
8. De Quadrupla Proportione
On the Quadruple Proportion
9. De Sesquioctava Proportione
On the Sesquioctave Proportion
10. De Sesquisexta Decima Proportione
On the Sesquisextadecimal Proportion
11. De Sesquidecima Septima Proportione
On the Sesquiseptimadecimal Proportion
Treatise 5
De Consonatiis in Generali
On Consonances in General
1. Quid Sit Consonantia
The Definition of Consonance
2. De Dissonantia
On Dissonance
3. De Euphonia
On Euphony
4. De Armonia
On Harmony
5. De Simphonia
On Symphony
6. Questio de Dissonantiis
An Investigation Concerning Dissonance
Treatise 6
1. De Consonantiis, Quomodo Et Quare
Una Melius Consonet Quam Altera
On Consonances: How and Why One Is
More Consonant Than Another
2. De Consonantiis in Speciali, Sive
De Speciebus Consonantiarum, et
Primo de Prima, Que Dicitur
On Consonances, Or Species of Consonance,
One by One; and First, On the First Consonance,
Called the Diatessaron
3. De Consonantia Dyapente
On the Consonance of the Diapente
4. De Consonantia Dyapason
On the Consonance of the Diapason
5. Demonstratio Secundum Pytagoricos
Dyapason Dyatessaron Non Esse Consonantiam
The Proof According to the Pythagoreans That the
Diapason Diatessaron Is Not a Consonance
Treatise 7
1. De Generibus Inequalitatis: Quot Sint et Que in Music Sint Necessaria
On the Genera of Inequality: How Many There Are and Which Ones Are
Necessary in Music
Treatise 8
De Necessariis ad Cognoscendum
Naturam Tonorum et Semitoniorum
On the Requisites for the Study of Whole Tones and Semitones
1. De Permutatione: Quid Sit et Ubi Fiat
On Permutation: How It Is Defined and Where It Is Used
2. De Mutatione: Quid Sit et Ubi Fiat
On Mutation: How It Is Defined and Where It Is Used
3. De Natura et Proprietate b Quadri, b Rotundi, et Nature
On the Nature and Property of the Square b, the Round b, and the Natural
Treatise 9
1. De Coniunctionibus Vocum: Quid Sint et Quot
On Intervals: How They Are Defined and How Many There Are
Treatise 10
1. Quid Sit Mensura in Musica Plana Sive Mensurata
The Definition of Measure in Plainchant and "Measured" Music
Treatise 11
1. De Tonis, Qui Proprie Modi Dicuntur: Quid Sint
On the Definition of Tones, Which Are Properly Called Modes
2. De Tonis: Quot Sint et Qui
On Modes: How Many They Are and What They Are
3. De Tonis: Quomodo Non Solum
Propter Ascensum et Descensum
Iudicandi Sint
That Modes Are Not To Be Judged Exclusively on the Basis of Ascent and Descent
4. De Formatione Tonorum per Species
On the Formation of the Modes from Species
Treatise 12
1. Quid Sit Quantitas in Plana Musica
The Definition of Quantity in Plainchant
Treatise 13
1. De Pausis: Quomodo Debeant Figurari in Cantu Plano
On Rests: How They Should Be Written in Plainchant
Treatise 14
1. De Clavi: Quid Sit et Quot
On the Clef: How It Is Defined and How Many Clefs There Are
Treatise 15
1. De Nominibus Gravium et Acutarum
Cordarum Prout a Phylosophis
Fuerunt Primitus Adinventa
On the Names of the Low and High Strings As Originally Devised by Philosophers
Treatise 16
1. De Musico et Cantore
On the Musician and the Singer
Index of Technical Terms
Index of Chants
Index of Theorists and Sources Quoted or Parahrased