I. Trompe-l’Oeil Nature
1. Configurations of Continuity
2. The Wild and the Domesticated
Nomadic Spaces
The Garden and the Forest
The Field and the Rice Paddy
Ager and Silva
Herdsmen and Hunters
The Roman Landscape, the Hercynian Forest, and Romantic Nature
The Autonomy of the Landscape
The Autonomy of Phusis
The Autonomy of Creation
The Autonomy of Nature
The Autonomy of Culture
The Autonomy of Dualism
The Autonomy of Worlds
II. The Structures of Experience
4. The Schemas of Practice
Structures and Relations
Understanding the Familiar
Differentiation, Stabilization, Analogies
Modes of Identifi cation and Modes of Relation
The Other Is an “I”
III. The Dispositions of Being
6. Animism Restored
Forms and Behavior Patterns
The Variations of Metamorphosis
Animism and Perspectivism
7. Totemism as an Ontology
An Australian Inventory
The Semantics of Taxonomies
Varieties of Hybrids
A Return to Algonquin Totems
8. The Certainties of Naturalism
An Irreducible Humanity?
Animal Cultures and Languages?
Mindless Humans?
The Rights of Nature?
9. The Dizzying Prospects of Analogy
The Chain of Being
A Mexican Ontology
Echoes of Africa
Pairings, Hierarchy, and Sacrifi ce
10. Terms, Relations, Categories
Encompassments and Symmetries
Differences, Resemblances, Classifi cations
IV. The Ways of the World
11. The Institution of Collectives
A Collective for Every Species
Asocial Nature and Exclusive Societies
Hybrid Collectives That Are Both Different and Complementary
A Mixed Collective That Is Both Inclusive and Hierarchical
12. Metaphysics of Morals
An Invasive Self
The Thinking Reed
Representing a Collective
The Signature of Things
V. An Ecology of Relations
13. Forms of Attachment
Giving, Taking, Exchanging
Producing, Protecting, Transmitting
14. The Traffic of Souls
Predators and Prey
The Symmetry of Obligations
The Togetherness of Sharing
The Ethos of Collectives
15. Histories of Structures
From Caribou- Man to Lord Bull
Hunting, Taming, Domesticating
The Genesis of Change
Epilogue: The Spectrum of Possibilities