front cover of A Key to the World
A Key to the World
Victor Abbou
Gallaudet University Press, 2021
Victor Abbou is an invaluable witness to the period in France which is called the Deaf Awakening. His story is a treasure trove of archival material of that period, as he was one of the trailblazers in so many fields: actor, activist, trainer and teacher of future interpreters studying at the university. In doing all of this, he created bridges between two worlds, the world of the deaf and the world of the hearing, which were in close proximity but which were separated by a great chasm. Victor's story also shines a light on the key role played by several Americans who contributed significant sparks which ignited the French Deaf Awakening. This Franco-American connection in contemporary Deaf history is yet another bridge which Victor Abbou's story documents in great detail.

Published by Eyes Editions.
Includes links to two hours of video in International Sign.

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A Key to the World
Victor Abbou
Gallaudet University Press, 2021
Victor Abbou is an invaluable witness to the period in France which is called the Deaf Awakening. His story is a treasure trove of archival material of that period, as he was one of the trailblazers in so many fields: actor, activist, trainer and teacher of future interpreters studying at the university. In doing all of this, he created bridges between two worlds, the world of the deaf and the world of the hearing, which were in close proximity but which were separated by a great chasm. Victor's story also shines a light on the key role played by several Americans who contributed significant sparks which ignited the French Deaf Awakening. This Franco-American connection in contemporary Deaf history is yet another bridge which Victor Abbou's story documents in great detail.

Published by Eyes Editions.
Includes links to two hours of video in International Sign.

front cover of Kyiv, Ukraine - Revised Edition
Kyiv, Ukraine - Revised Edition
The City of Domes and Demons from the Collapse of Socialism to the Mass Uprising of 2013-2014
Roman Adrian Cybriwsky
Amsterdam University Press, 2014
The unrest and violence in Ukraine in recent years shocked the world, and the region's long-term future remains troublingly uncertain. Focusing on the difficulty of Kiev's transition from socialism to market democracy, this book demonstrates how Ukraine reached this turbulent point. Roman Adrian Cybriwsky delves deeply into the changing social geography of the city, recent urban development, and critical problems such as official corruption, inequality, sex tourism, and the heedless destruction of the city's historical architecture - all difficulties that have contributed incrementally to Ukrainian citizens' anger against their government. This thoroughly revised edition brings Cybriwsky's account of events and their ramifications fully up to date, offering the clearest picture we've had yet of what has happened - and what is likely still to come - in Ukraine.

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Killing Happiness
Friedrich Ani
Seagull Books, 2021
German author Friedrich Ani combines deep sorrow, human darkness, and breath-taking tension in his latest crime novel.

Happiness is extinguished completely one cold November night when eleven-year-old Lennard Grabbe fails to return home. Thirty-four days later, he is found to have been murdered, and former inspector Jakob Franck, the protagonist of Friedrich Ani’s previous novel The Nameless Day, is entrusted with delivering the most horrible news any parent could ever dream of, setting off a chain reaction of grief among family and friends.
As the special task force is unable to make any progress in the case and the family is unable to deal with the loss, Franck—driven by the need to bring them clarity but also by the painful memories of all the unsolved murder cases from when he was still on active duty—buries himself in witness statements and reports up to the point of exhaustion. He spends hours at the crime scene and employs his special technique of “thought sensitivity,” an abstract, intuitive process that may very well lead him to the “fossil”—that crucial piece of information he needs to solve the case.
Once again, Ani combines deep sorrow, human darkness, and breath-taking tension in a novel whose melancholy can hardly be surpassed.

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The Kentucky Trace
A Novel of the American Revolution
Harriette Simpson Arnow
Michigan State University Press, 2012

A gripping portrait of life in the hard-bitten wilderness of Revolutionary Kentucky, Harriette Simpson Arnow’s The Kentucky Trace follows surveyor William David Leslie Collins as he struggles to survive. Collins finds his fellow settlers to be almost as inscrutable as the weather—at times, they are allies, and at others, they are adversaries. Collins battles nature, bad luck, and the quickly shifting political tides to make his way in a changing world. Showcasing Arnow’s ear for dialogue and offering a wealth of historical detail, The Kentucky Trace is a masterful work of fiction by a preeminent Appalachian writer.


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King Alfred’s Version of St. Augustine’s Soliloquies
Harvard University Press

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Keeping Faith, Losing Faith
Religious Belief and Political Economy, Volume 40
Bradley W. Bateman and H. Spencer Banzhaf, eds.
Duke University Press
“Keeping Faith, Losing Faith: Religious Belief and Political Economy” considers the historical and current relationship between religious and economic schools of thought. The volume explores the integration of theology and economics that was prevalent before the twentieth century, the rise of secular neoclassical economic models in the middle of that century, and the recent trend toward examining economic behavior through the prism of religious belief.

Two of the essays examine the antagonism between Christianity and utilitarianism in postrevolutionary French economics and the rising influence of the materialism of the market vis-à-vis the declining authority of the Roman Catholic Church in eighteenth-century Europe. Other topics explored include the work of the great American neoclassicist Frank Knight, the combination of utility analysis and Christian principles among the “clerical economists” in America, and the effect of a crisis of personal faith on the theories of the English philosopher and economist Henry Sidgwick.


front cover of Karawitan
Source Readings in Javanese Gamelan and Vocal Music, Volume 3
Edited by Judith Becker with assistance from Alan H. Feinstein
University of Michigan Press, 1988
The twentieth century has spawned a great interest in Indonesian music, and now books, articles, and manuscripts can be found that expound exclusively about karawitan (the combined vocal and instrumental music of the gamelan). Scholar Judith Becker has culled several key sources on karawitan into three volumes and has translated them for the benefit of the Western student of the gamelan tradition.
The texts in her collection were written over a forty-five-year time period (ca 1930–1975) and include articles by Martopangrawit, Sumarsam, Sastrapustaka, Gitosaprodjo, Sindoesawarno, Poerbapangrawit, Probohardjono, Warsadiningrat, Purbodiningrat, Poerbatjaraka, and Paku Buwana X. The final volume also contains a glossary of technical terms, an appendix of the Javanese cipher notations (titilaras kepatihan), a biographical listing, and an index to the musical pieces (Gendhing).

front cover of Karawitan
Source Readings in Javanese Gamelan and Vocal Music, Volume 1
Edited by Judith Becker with assistance from Alan H. Feinstein
University of Michigan Press, 1984
The twentieth century has spawned a great interest in Indonesian music, and now books, articles, and manuscripts can be found that expound exclusively about karawitan (the combined vocal and instrumental music of the gamelan). Scholar Judith Becker has culled several key sources on karawitan into three volumes and has translated them for the benefit of the Western student of the gamelan tradition.
The texts in her collection were written over a forty-five-year time period (ca 1930–1975) and include articles by Martopangrawit, Sumarsam, Sastrapustaka, Gitosaprodjo, Sindoesawarno, Poerbapangrawit, Probohardjono, Warsadiningrat, Purbodiningrat, Poerbatjaraka, and Paku Buwana X. The final volume also contains a glossary of technical terms, an appendix of the Javanese cipher notations (titilaras kepatihan), a biographical listing, and an index to the musical pieces (Gendhing).

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Karánkaway Country
By Roy Bedichek
University of Texas Press, 1974

Roy Bedichek spent most of his life working in the educational field in Texas, but his main interest was always the great outdoors. His first book, Adventures with a Texas Naturalist, was published when he was almost seventy, and his second, Karánkaway Country, appeared three years later. Both were the result of a lifetime of exploring a beloved land, of searching observation, of discussion, debate, wide reading, and reflection. Long out of print, Karánkaway Country is now available in a handsome second edition with a new Foreword by W. W. Newcomb, Jr.

Karánkaway Country focuses on the natural history of a strip of coastal prairie lying roughly between Corpus Christi and Galveston and once inhabited by the poorly known and much maligned Karankawa Indians. It serves as home base for an exposition of Bedichek's philosophy, providing a convenient local setting for richly tailored essays on wildlife, soil, human skin, and a variety of other topics suggested by a wide-ranging intellect. Bedichek's philosophy, if it can be reduced to a few words, is essentially that humans must learn to live on peaceful and conciliatory terms with our natural environment.


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The Kew Plant Glossary
An Illustrated Dictionary of Plant Terms - Second Edition
Henk Beentje
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2015
If asked to describe a plant, many of us would have to resort to basic descriptors such as vague shapes or simple colors. But for those who work and write in the plant world, there are thousands of terms available for crafting the perfect characterization. A pear’s shape can be called pyriform, while lemon’s form is prolate. A petal might range from caesious (pale blue-grey or -green) to ceraceous (pale cream) to cinerous (ash grey). And the autumnal spread of fallen leaves is called, elegantly, leaf litter.

The Kew Plant Glossary is a comprehensive guide to the myriad of terms used in the identification and conservation of plants. This new edition adds more than four hundred new entries, including a vegetation-type section, bringing the total to 4,905 botanical terms and seven hundred illustrations. The terms are clearly explained, many with basic line drawings to further clarify a description. Henk Beentje consulted a host of botanical works as well as colleagues working in the field to create a glossary that is clear, easy to use, and free of confusion. He notes terms that are easily mixed up with others and points out phrases that are considered outside common usage.

This is an essential companion for anyone who finds themselves searching for the right word when writing about plants, who needs to clearly identify the pieces of their work, or who just wants to talk more authoritatively about the plants they love.

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Thomas Bell
Haus Publishing, 2016
One of the greatest cities of the Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal, is a unique blend of thousand-year-old cultural practices and accelerated urban development. In this book, Thomas Bell recounts his experiences from his many years in the city—exploring in the process the rich history of Kathmandu and its many instances of self-reinvention.

Closed to the outside world until 1951 and trapped in a medieval time warp, Kathmandu is, as Bell argues, a jewel of the art world, a carnival of sexual license, a hotbed of communist revolution, a paradigm of failed democracy, a case study in bungled western intervention, and an environmental catastrophe. The layered development of the city can be seen in the successive generations of its gods and goddesses; its comfort in the caste system and ethos of aristocracy and kingship; and the recent destabilizing effects of consumerist approaches and the push for egalitarianism and democracy. In important ways, Kathmandu’s rapid modernization can be seen as an extreme version of what is happening in other traditional societies.  Bell also discusses the ramifications of the recent Nepal earthquake.

A comprehensive look at a top global destination, Kathmandu is an entertaining and accessible chronicle for anyone eager to learn more about this fascinating city.

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Reports 1924-28: Topographic and Architectural Report of Excavations During the Seasons 1924-1928
By Arthur E.R. Boak and Enoch E. Peterson
University of Michigan Press, 1931
The University of Michigan Near East Research Expedition has been engaged since 1924–25 in the excavation of the site of ancient Karanis, now known as Kom Aushim or Kom Washim, on the northern border of the Fayyum to the east of Birket Qarun. Kom Aushim was selected as the target site in October 1924, because the ruins there were in a better state of preservation than at other Greco-Roman sites.

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Temples, Coin Hoards, Botanical and Zoological Reports: Seasons 1924-1931
Edited by Arthur E.R. Boak
University of Michigan Press, 1933
This campaign focused on the temple of Pnepheros and Petesouchos, or the South Temple, down to the lowest foundation levels.

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Karl Marx’s Interpretation of History
Second Edition
M. M. Bober
Harvard University Press

Karl Marx's materialistic conception of history claimed to account for the past, confidently predicted the future, and made history itself. In analyzing the Marxian theory of social evolution, M. M. Bober closely examines the writings of Marx and his friend, Friedrich Engels, tracing the formulation of the doctrine in Capital, The Poverty of Philosophy, Civil War in France, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, The Communist Manifesto, and other of their voluminous publications. By careful, objective investigation, the author is able to present an accurate interpretation of Marx's economic and historical concepts, and he evaluates the theory in the light of actual historical development.

In the extensive revision of his authoritative study, Bober has taken full account of developments since its first publication. Unknown writings by Marx and Engels recently have been discovered; new voices have been raised in defense of and against Marxian concepts; and economic theory has changed, with the problems of the business cycle and economic calculation assuming greater prominence. Bober's critical analysis of Marx and of his influence make a valuable and timely book, of interest not merely to scholars but also to everyone who is stirred to serious reading by the present conflict of political ideologies.


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Kafka’s Son
Szilárd Borbély
Seagull Books, 2023
A posthumously published Hungarian masterpiece that reflects on fragmented lives.
Born in 1963, Szilárd Borbély emerged as one of the most important poets of post-communist Europe, exploring the themes of grief, memory, and trauma in his critically acclaimed work. Following the murder of his mother during a burglary in 2000, and the subsequent breakdown and death of his father, Borbély suffered from post-traumatic depression and tragically ended his own life in 2014.

Among the manuscripts that Borbély left behind was Kafka’s Son, a fragmentary work, rendered still more fragmented through the author’s death. Through a series of haunting passages that explore early twentieth-century Prague, including the ruins of the ancient Jewish ghetto during the time of its demolition, Borbély inscribes the story of Franz Kafka and his father onto the city. We are used to hearing from Franz; here Hermann Kafka is also given a voice. “The son,” he tells us, “is the life of the father. The father is the death of the son.” By extension, then, this book is also an indirect telling of the story of Borbély and his father, and about sons and fathers in the Habsburg empire and the culture of brutality that defined Eastern Europe.

A posthumously published Hungarian masterpiece, Kafka’s Son now appears in English in award-winning translator Ottilie Mulzet’s sensitive translation, a fragmentary yet iridescent work inviting us to reflect on our fragmented lives.

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Karin Boye
University of Wisconsin Press, 2002
This classic Swedish novel envisioned a future of drab terror. Seen through the eyes of idealistic scientist Leo Kall, Kallocain’s depiction of a totalitarian world state is a montage of what novelist Karin Boye had seen or sensed in 1930s Russia and Germany. Its central idea grew from the rumors of truth drugs that ensured the subservience of every citizen to the state.

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Kidnapped From That Land
The Government Raids on the Short Creek Polygamist
Martha S Bradley
University of Utah Press, 1993

In the early morning hours of July 26, 1953, several hundred Arizona state officials and police officers moved into the polygamist community of Short Creek, Arizona, to serve warrants on thirty-six men and eighty-six women. Officials staging the raid believed they were rescuing the community’s 263 children from a life of bondage and immorality.

Kidnapped from that Land is the first book to bring together the story of the 1953 raid and two previous raids in 1935 and 1944. Martha Bradley tells the story with insight and compassion for the families that were fragmented by the arrests. She also deals with the complex legal issues that persist in both Arizona and Utah, where the practice of polygamy is a felony that is no longer prosecuted.

Kidnapped from that Land will appeal to those interested in the study of Mormon history, of polygamy, and of western regional and American social history.


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Kinethic California
Dancing Funk and Disco Era Kinships
Naomi Macalalad Bragin
University of Michigan Press, 2024

Kinethic California: Dancing Funk and Disco Era Kinships documents the emergence of new forms of black social and vernacular dance invented by youth living in 1970s California, who helped build the foundations of contemporary hip hop/streetdance culture. Naomi Macalalad Bragin weaves interviews and ethnographies of first-generation (1960s-70s) dancers of strutting, boogaloo, robotting, popping, locking, waacking, and punking styles, as it advances a theory of dance as kinetic kinship formation through a focus on techniques and practices of the dancers themselves. She offers that the term given to these collective movement practices is kinethic to bring attention to motion at the core of black aesthetics that generate dances as forms of kinship beyond blood relation. Kinethics reorient dancers toward kinetic kinship in ways that give continuity to black dance lineages under persistent conditions of disappearance and loss. As dancers engage kinethics, they reinvent gestural vocabularies that describe worlds they imagine into knowing-being.

The stories in Kinethic California attend to the aesthetics of everyday movement, seen through the lens of young artists who, from childhood, listened to their family’s soul and funk records, observed the bent-leg strolls and rhythmic handshakes of people moving through their neighborhoods, and watched each other move at house parties, school gyms, and around-the-way social clubs. Their aesthetic sociality and geographic movement provided materials for collective study and creative play. Bragin attends to such multidirectional conversations between dancer, community, and tradition, by which California dance lineages emerge and take flight.


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The Kew Temperate Plant Families Identification Handbook
Edited by Gemma Bramley, Anna Trias Blasi, and Richard Wilford
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2023
A richly illustrated guide to the identification of temperate plants.
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is a center of expertise for cultivating a range of plants from around the world. The Kew Temperate Plant Families Identification Handbook draws on the combined knowledge of those experts to create a guide to the commonly found plants of temperate regions—areas between the subtropics and the polar circles. In this book, Kew’s experts present unrivaled scientific and horticultural knowledge of the plants they encounter. The book describes one hundred plant families in detail, illustrating them with photographs showing the important identification characteristics, along with distribution maps, line drawings, and herbarium sheets. This book will be the primary resource for plant identification for those working in temperate regions around the world.

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Kyoto’s Renaissance
Ancient Capital for Modern Japan
John Breen
Amsterdam University Press, 2020
Draws on archive of material, a first in English to take an in-depth look at Kyoto’s modern transformation – its reinvention after ‘collapse’ (Meiji Restoration) and relocation of the imperial court to Tokyo. Includes: introduction, chapters on notable historical elements that sustain Kyoto as a quintessentially modern ‘ancient capital’ today.

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Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Education and the Struggle for Social Justice
Essays Inspired by the Work of Geoff Whitty
Edited by Andrew Brown and Emma Wisby
University College London, 2020
For 50 years, educator and sociologist Geoff Whitty resolutely pursued social justice through education, first as a classroom teacher and ultimately as the Director of the Institute of Education in London. The essays in this volume - written by some of the most influential authors in the sociology of education and critical policy studies - take Whitty’s work as the starting point from which to examine key contemporary issues in education and the challenges to social justice that they present. Set within three themes of knowledge, policy, and practice in education, the chapters tackle the issues of defining and accessing ‘legitimate’ knowledge, the changing nature of education policy under neoliberalism and globalization, and the reshaping of teacher workplaces and professionalism – as well as attempts to realize more emancipatory practice. The essays open windows on life in the sociology of education, the scholarly community of which it was part, and the facets of education policy, practice, and research that they continue to reveal and challenge in pursuit of social justice.

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Karaoke Idols
Popular Music and the Performance of Identity
Kevin Brown
Intellect Books, 2015
Most ethnographers don’t achieve what Kevin Brown did while conducting their research: in his two years spent at a karaoke bar near Denver, Colorado, he went from barely able to carry a tune to someone whom other karaoke patrons requested to sing. Along the way, he learned everything you might ever want to know about karaoke and the people who enjoy it.

The result is Karaoke Idols, a close ethnography of life at a karaoke bar that reveals just what we’re doing when we take up the mic—and how we shape our identities, especially in terms of gender, ethnicity, and class, through performances in everyday life. Marrying a comprehensive introduction to the history of public singing and karaoke with a rich analysis of karaoke performers and the community that their shared performances generate, Karaoke Idols is a book for both the casual reader and the scholar, and a fascinating exploration of our urge to perform and the intersection of technology and culture that makes it so seductively easy to do so.

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Kenneth Burke - American Writers 75
University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers
Merle E. Brown
University of Minnesota Press, 1989

Kenneth Burke - American Writers 75 was first published in 1989. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.


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A Key to the Treasure of the Hakim
Artistic and Humanistic Aspects of Nizami Ganjavi’s Khamsa
Johann Christoph Bürgel
Amsterdam University Press
This “Key” to the Khamsa consists of thirteen essays by eminent scholars in the field of Persian Studies, each focusing on different aspects of the Khamsa, which is a collection of five long poems written by the Persian poet Nizami of Ganja. Nizami (1141-1209) lived and worked in Ganja in present-day Azerbaijan. He is widely recognized as one of the main poets of Medieval Persia, a towering figure who produced outstanding poetry, straddling mysticism, romances and epics. He has left his mark on the whole Persian-speaking world and countless younger poets in the area stretching from the Ottoman to the Mughal worlds (present-day Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, India) have found him an inspiration and have tried to emulate him. His work has influenced such other immense poets as Hafez, Rumi, and Saadi. His five masnavis (long poems) address a variety of topics and disciplines and have all enjoyed enormous fame, as the countless surviving manuscripts of his work indicate. His heroes, Khosrow and Shirin, Leili and Majnun, Iskandar count amongst the stars of the Persian literary firmament and have become household names all over the Islamic world. The essays in the present volume constitute a significant development in the field of Nizami-studies, and on a more general level, of classical Persian literature. They focus on topics such as mysticism, art history, comparative literature, science, and philosophy. they show how classical Greek knowledge mingles in a unique manner with the Persian past and the Islamic culture in Nizami’s world. They reflect a high degree of engagement with the existing scholarship in the field, they revive and challenge traditional views on the poet and his work and are indispensable both for specialists in the field and for anyone interested in the movement of ideas in the Medieval world.

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Knowing History in Schools
Powerful Knowledge and the Powers of Knowledge
Edited by Arthur Chapman
University College London, 2021
A dialogue among leading figures in history education research and practice.

The “knowledge turn” in curriculum studies has drawn attention to the central role that the knowledge of the disciplines plays in education and the need for fresh perspectives on knowledge-building. Knowing History in Schools explores these issues in the context of the discipline of history through a dialogue between the eminent sociologist of curriculum Michael Young, and leading figures in history education research and practice from a range of traditions and contexts. Focusing on Young’s “powerful knowledge” theorization of the curriculum, and on his more recent articulations of the “powers” of knowledge, this dialogue explores the many complexities facing history education. The book attempts to clarify how educators can best conceptualize knowledge-building in history education, and it will be of interest to history education students, history teachers, teacher educators, and history curriculum designers, as they navigate the challenges that knowledge-building processes pose for learning history in schools.

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Korean Treasures Volume 2
Rare Books, Manuscripts and Artefacts in the Bodleian Libraries and Museums of Oxford University
Minh Chung
Bodleian Library Publishing, 2019
Many important and valuable rare books, manuscripts, and artifacts related to Korea have been acquired by donations throughout the long history of the Bodleian Libraries and the museums of the University of Oxford. However, due to an early lack of specialist knowledge in this area, many of these items were largely neglected at first. Following on the publication of the first volume of these forgotten treasures, this book assembles further unique and important Korean antiquities. Notable items include the only surviving Korean example of an eighteenth-century world map, hand-drawn, with a set of twelve globe gores on a single sheet, and official correspondence from the archives of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, which shine a light on the history of Anglican Christian missions in Korea. Additionally, the collection boasts a wealth of photographs, coins, charms, clothing, weaponry, decorative objects, manuscripts, and much, much more.

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A Key to Pacific Grasses
W. D. Clayton and Neil Snow
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2010
The Pacific Ocean is the most expansive geographical feature on Earth. Included in its domain are thousands of atolls, smaller islands and, depending on how its boundaries are defined, several larger islands and island groups. Members of the grass family, Poaceae, are almost ubiquitous and are widespread across the Pacific. This detailed key enumerates 420 species of non-bambusoid grasses in 120 genera and provides a taxonomic reference for grasses growing throughout this region.

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Kyiv, Ukraine
Roman Adrian Cybriwsky
Amsterdam University Press, 2014
The unrest and violence in Ukraine shocked the world, and the region’s long-term future remains troublingly uncertain. Focusing on the difficulty of Kiev’s transition from socialism to market democracy, this book demonstrates how Ukraine reached this turbulent point. Roman Adrian Cybriwsky delves deeply into the changing social geography of the city, recent urban development, and critical problems such as official corruption, inequality, sex tourism, and the heedless destruction of the city’s historical architecture—all difficulties that have contributed incrementally to Ukrainian citizens’ anger against their government. This thoroughly revised edition offers the clearest picture we’ve had yet of what has happened—and what is likely still to come—in Ukraine.


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Korea 1905–1945
From Japanese Colonialism to Liberation and Independence
Ku Daeyeol
Amsterdam University Press, 2021
This important new study by one of Korea’s leading historians focuses on the international relations of colonial Korea – from the Japanese rule of the peninsula and its foreign relations (1905–1945) to the ultimate liberation of the country at the end of the Second World War. In addition, it fills a significant gap – the ‘blank space’ – in Korean diplomatic history. Furthermore, it highlights several other fundamental aspects in the history of modern Korea, such as the historical perception of the policy-making process and the attitudes of both China and Britain which influenced US policy regarding Korea at the end of World War II.

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Keeping Family in an Age of Long Distance Trade, Imperial Expansion, and Exile, 1550-1850
Heather Dalton
Amsterdam University Press, 2020
Keeping Family in an Age of Long Distance Trade, Imperial Expansion and Exile, 1550-1850 brings together eleven original essays by an international group of scholars, each investigating how family, or the idea of family, was maintained or reinvented when husbands, wives, children, apprentices, servants or slaves separated, or faced separation, from their household. The result is a fresh and geographically wide-ranging discussion about the nature of family and its intersection with travel over a three hundred year period during which roles and relationships, within and between households, were increasingly affected by trade, settlement, and empire building. The imperial project may have influenced different regions in different ways at different times yet, as this collection reveals, families, especially those transcending national ties and traditional boundaries were central to its progress. Together, these essays bring new understandings of the foundations of our interconnected world and of the people who contributed to it.

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Keywords of Identity, Race, and Human Mobility in Early Modern England
Nandini Das
Amsterdam University Press, 2021
What did it mean to be a stranger in sixteenth and seventeenth-century England? How were other nations, cultures, and religions perceived? What happened when individuals moved between languages, countries, religions, and spaces? Following the model of Raymond Williams’s classic Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (1976), Keywords of Identity, Race, and Human Mobility analyses a selection of terms that were central to the conceptualisation of identity, race, migration, and transculturality in the early modern period. In many cases, the concepts, preconceptions, and debates that they embody – or sometimes subsume – came to play formative roles in the articulation of identity, rights, and power in subsequent periods. Together, the essays in this volume provide an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the development of issues of identity, belonging, and human mobility.

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Kant’s Critical Philosophy
The Doctrine of the Faculties
Gilles Deleuze
University of Minnesota Press, 1985

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The Kurdish Women’s Movement
History, Theory, Practice
Dilar Dirik
Pluto Press, 2021

'One the foremost writers and participants in the Kurdish women's movement' - Harsha Walia

The Kurdish women's movement is at the heart of the most exciting revolutionary experiment in the world today: Rojava. Forged over decades of struggle, most recently in the fight against ISIS, Rojava embodies a radical commitment to ecology, democracy and gender equality. But while striking images of Kurdish women in desert fatigues proliferate, a true understanding of the women's movement remains elusive.

Taking apart the superficial and Orientalist frameworks that dominate, Dilar Dirik offers instead an empirically rich account of the women's movement in Kurdistan. Drawing on original research and ethnographic fieldwork, she surveys the movement's historical origins, ideological evolution, and political practice over the past forty years. Going beyond abstract ideas, Dirik locates the movement's culture and ideology in its concrete work for women's liberation and radical democracy.

Taking the reader from the guerrilla camps in the mountains to radical women's academies and self-organized refugee camps, the book invites readers around the world to engage with the revolution in Kurdistan, both theoretically and practically, as a vital touchstone in the wider struggle for a militant anti-fascist, anti-capitalist feminist internationalism.


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Knowledge, Understanding, Well-Being
Cognitive Literary Studies
Nancy Easterlin, special issue editor
Duke University Press
Cognitive literary studies occupies a special position in debates over the purpose of higher education and the value of the humanities. Through its varied interdisciplinary commitments, cognitive literary studies offers ways to discover the processes, forms of knowledge, and ethical function of literary experience. Contributors to this issue argue that the humanities are not a trivial pursuit by theorizing and documenting the dynamic interactions of the individuals, groups, texts, and environments that cumulatively produce the forms of knowledge specific to aesthetic engagement. Hailing from psychology, communications, and literary studies, these authors represent diverse methodologies and a range of cognitive specializations, including empirical reading studies, empathy, neurophenomenology, and mindfulness psychology. Through the application of psychology to literature and literary theory, they explore the capacity of the literary humanities to enhance thought and action, whether through scholarship, teaching, mental flexibility, or human well-being.

Contributors. Marshall Alcorn, Paul B. Armstrong, Katalin Bálint, Mark Bracher, Elizabeth Bradburn, M. Soledad Caballero, Nancy Easterlin, Richard J. Gerrig, Erin James, Aimee Knupsky, Anežka Kuzmičová, Micah L. Mumper, Michael O’Neill, Margrethe Bruun Vaage, Alexa Weik von Mossner

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Kids Save the Seasons
Albany Jacobson Eckert
Michigan Publishing Services, 2019

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Child Abduction in America
Paula S. Fass
Harvard University Press
Few crimes capture our imagination as completely as child kidnapping. Paula S. Fass explores how our awareness of violence toward the young has evolved from a time when Americans were shocked to discover that their children could be held for ransom, until today, when sexual predators seem to threaten our children at every turn. In a series of riveting narratives, Kidnapped shows how child abduction reflects cultural issues--parenting and the American family, the media and our fascination with celebrity, gender and sexuality, mental health, and much more. By tracing the most infamous kidnapping cases of the past 125 years, Fass peers into the American mind, providing new insights into a society that both values and exploits its youngest members.

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Keys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners, Second Ed.
A Practical Handbook
Keith S. Folse
University of Michigan Press, 2016

Keys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners:  A Practical Handbook
 is not intended to be an exhaustive reference book about ESL grammar. Written for classroom teachers (K-12, ESL, EFL), this book teaches the most common ESL grammar points in an accessible way through real ESL errors together with suggested teaching techniques. Relevant grammar terminology is explained.
The four objectives of this book are to help teachers: (1) identify common ESL grammar points and understand the details associated with each one; (2) improve their ability to answer any grammar question on the spot (when on the “hot seat”); (3) anticipate common ESL errors by grammar point, by first language, and/or by proficiency level; and (4) develop more effective grammar/language learning lessons. These objectives are for all teachers, whether they are teaching grammar directly or indirectly  in a variety of classes – including a grammar class, a writing class, a speaking class, an ESP class, or a K-12 class.
In the Second Edition, all chapters have been updated and substantively revised. The number of marginal (gray) boxes with tips and extra information has doubled. A 16th Key, on Negating, and three new appendixes have been added. One of the new appendixes provides a sample exercise from an actual ESL textbook plus relevant notes about the designing of grammar activities and suggestions for teaching each grammar point. 

Also added to each Key is a section on the vocabulary items (e.g., collocations) that are related to the teaching of that particular grammar point. This information is unique to this edition and cannot be found elsewhere on the market.  

The Workbook for the Second Edition (978-0-472-03679-0), available in 2017, includes numerous activities that practice the essentials of grammar and issues relevant to ESL teachers. 

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King Cotton
Slavery and Development in the United States, 1789-1865
Joseph Francis
Harvard University Press

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Knowledge Sovereignty Among African Cattle Herders
Zeremariam Fre
University College London, 2018
Beni-Amer cattle owners in the western part of the Horn of Africa are not only masters in cattle breeding, they are also knowledge sovereign, in terms of owning productive genes of cattle and the cognitive knowledge base crucial to sustainable development. The strong bonds between the Beni-Amer, their animals, and their environment constitute the basis of their ways of knowing, and much of their knowledge system is built on experience and embedded in their cultural practices.

In this book, the first to study Beni-Amer practices, Zeremariam Fre argues for the importance of their knowledge, challenging the preconceptions that regard it as untrustworthy when compared to scientific knowledge from more developed regions. Empirical evidence suggests that there is much one could learn from the other, since elements of pastoralist technology, such as those related to animal production and husbandry, make a direct contribution to our knowledge of livestock production. It is this potential for hybridization, as well as the resilience of the herders, at the core of the indigenous knowledge system.

Fre also argues that indigenous knowledge can be viewed as a stand-alone science, and that a community’s rights over ownership should be defended by government officials, development planners and policy makers, making the case for a celebration of the knowledge sovereignty of pastoralist communities

front cover of KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions pre-K/Kindergarten Set 1
KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions pre-K/Kindergarten Set 1
Stories to Start Learning to Read
Mary Fried
Keep Books, 2018
This set of four books offers engaging stories with simple repeated language and related pictures, one or two lines of print per page, and ample space between words. 
Stories include: Balloons, The Farm, Dinosaurs, & Traffic. 
Age Level: 3-5 
Grade Level: preK-Kindergarten 
Reading level: A-B/1-2
KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

front cover of KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Late First/Beginning Second Set 2
KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Late First/Beginning Second Set 2
Stories for Young Readers
Mary Fried
Keep Books, 2020
This set of four books offers lots of reading practice for children who can already read easy books.
Stories include: The Best Birthday Present; Be Careful!; Trapped; and Where Is Papa?
Age Level: 7-8
Grade Level: Late First/Beginning Second
Reading level: G-H/12-14
KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

front cover of KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Beginning First Set 2
KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Beginning First Set 2
Easy Stories for Early Readers
Mary Fried
Keep Books, 2019
This set of four books offers engaging, easy to read stories in this set reinforce good health and nutrition for young children.
Stories include: The Farmer’s Market, Our Garden, The Running Girl, & Please and Thank You.
Age Level: 5-6
Grade Level: Beginning First
Reading level: D-E/6-8
KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

front cover of KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Late First/Beginning Second Set 1
KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Late First/Beginning Second Set 1
Stories for Young Readers
Mary Fried
Keep Books, 2020
This set of four books offers lots of reading practice for children who can already read easy books.
Stories include: A New House; Scary Noises; Night Games; and Digging for Dinner.
Age Level: 7-8
Grade Level: Late First/Beginning Second
Reading level: E-G/8-12
KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

front cover of The Kuhlman-Binet Tests for Children of Preschool Age
The Kuhlman-Binet Tests for Children of Preschool Age
Florence Goodenough
University of Minnesota Press, 1928

front cover of Kant, Ontology, and the A Priori
Kant, Ontology, and the A Priori
Moltke S. Gram
Northwestern University Press, 1968
Kant, Ontology, and the A Priori  is a close study of Kant’s conception of metaphysical propositions. In it Moltke Gram aims  to show in what sense Kant is offering a theory of metaphysical propositions about objects in general. Gram presents a criticism of the tendency to focus on Kant’s theory of dialectic as the source of paradigm cases of metaphysical propositions.

front cover of Kokoschka
The Untimely Modernist
Rüdiger Görner
Haus Publishing, 2024

The Austrian artist Oskar Kokoschka (1886–1980) achieved global fame with his intense expressionistic portraits and landscapes. In this first English-language biography, Rüdiger Görner depicts the artist in all his fascinating and contradictory complexity. He traces Kokoschka’s path from bête noire of the bourgeoisie and “hunger artist” who had to flee the Nazis to a wealthy and cosmopolitan political and critical artist who played a significant role in shaping the European art scene of the twentieth century and whose relevance is undiminished to this day. 

In Kokoschka: A Life in Art, Görner emphasizes the artist’s versatility. Kokoschka, although best known for his expressionistic portraits and landscapes, was more than a mere visual artist: his achievements as a playwright, essayist, and poet bear witness to a remarkable literary talent. Music, too, played a central role in his work, and a passion for teaching led him to establish in 1953 the School of Seeing, an unconventional art school intended to revive humanist ideals in the horrific aftermath of war.  This biography shows brilliantly how all the pieces of Kokoschka’s disparate interests and achievements cohered in the richly creative life of a singular artist.


front cover of Kant and the Southern New Critics
Kant and the Southern New Critics
By William J. Handy
University of Texas Press, 1963

An author’s true meaning has always been largely a matter of opinion among literary critics, even when only objective language was analyzed. However, a writer’s inner meaning, which perhaps not even he or she consciously realizes, interests the “new critics,” who base their theory of criticism on the writings of Immanuel Kant and hold philosophical values to be essential in studying a literary work.

William J. Handy, a former student of John Crowe Ransom, himself a critic of note, reveals the inadequacy of logical concept to represent the full quality of human experience. In Kant and the Southern New Critics he discusses the theories and practices of some pioneers of philosophical criticism—John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, Cleanth Brooks, and others—and traces the influence of the Kantian generative idea on their assumption that a work of art is the celebration of one’s qualitative experience.

Critics in the new school believe that knowledge of experience is distorted when abstracted into scientific, quantitative notations, and that the artist, to portray things in their more natural state, must employ particulars in order to achieve “universals.” Knowledge of any subject or object must include the aesthetic qualities of imagination and emotion that cannot be discovered through analysis.

This study explores Ransom’s theory of “ontological criticism.” The basic difference in symbols representing things and those representing ideas was discerned by Kant, who distinguished between understanding (analysis of an object in order to classify it)and imagination (realization of an object undistorted by logical reduction). Handysuggests that ontological structure requires a writer to use the logic that springs from his image-making faculty—a thought also expressed by T. S. Eliot, who says, “The only way of expressing emotion in the form of art is by finding an ‘objective correlative.’ ”

The discipline of philosophical aesthetics is necessary for the critic, Handy says, if his principles are to be substantial enough to make a significant contribution to knowledge of literary theory. This book clearly delineates the origins of a philosophical approach and leads the reader to an appreciation of the deeper enjoyment and meaning it can give to literary experience.


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Karl Marx in America
Andrew Hartman
University of Chicago Press
The vital and untold story of Karl Marx’s stamp on American life.
To read Karl Marx is to contemplate a world created by capitalism. People have long viewed the United States as the quintessential anti-Marxist nation, but Marx’s ideas have inspired a wide range of people to formulate a more precise sense of the stakes of the American project. Historians have highlighted the imprint made on the United States by Enlightenment thinkers such as Adam Smith, John Locke, and Thomas Paine, but Marx is rarely considered alongside these figures. Yet his ideas are the most relevant today because of capitalism’s centrality to American life.
In Karl Marx in America, historian Andrew Hartman argues that even though Karl Marx never visited America, the country has been infused, shaped, and transformed by him. Since the beginning of the Civil War, Marx has been a specter in the American machine. During the Gilded Age, socialists read Marx as an antidote to the unchecked power of corporations. In the Great Depression, communists turned to Marx in hopes of transcending the destructive capitalist economy. The young activists of the 1960s were inspired by Marx as they gathered to protest an overseas war. Marx’s influence today is evident, too, as Americans have become increasingly attuned to issues of inequality, labor, and power.
After decades of being pushed to the far-left corner of intellectual thought, Marx’s ideologies have crossed over into the mainstream and are more alive than ever. Working-class consciousness is on the rise, and, as Marx argued, the future of a capitalist society rests in the hands of the people who work at the point of production. A valuable resource for anyone interested in Marx’s influence on American political discourse, Karl Marx in America is a thought-provoking account of the past, present, and future of his philosophies in American society.

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The Politics of the Vortex
Gregory Henderson
Harvard University Press

front cover of The Kingdom to Come
The Kingdom to Come
Thoughts on the Union before and after the Scottish Independence Referendum
Peter Hennessy
Haus Publishing, 2015
Despite the “No” vote in the Scottish Independence Referendum of September 2014, the issue of potential Scottish secession from the United Kingdom has likely only just begun. The Kingdom to Come is the first book-length look at the consequences and implications of this momentous event.

Peter Hennessy discusses the run-up to the Scottish Independence Referendum and its immediate aftermath, as well as the constitutional issues the referendum opened for the entire United Kingdom. This book includes Hennessy’s personal impressions of recent questioning of the Acts of Union that created Great Britain and describes when he, as the top expert on Britain’s unwritten constitution, became an important voice in what might happen next. The Kingdom to Come also offers a valuable examination of the possible agenda for remaking the constitution in both the medium and long term.

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The Kingfisher's Wings
Glimpsing the British Constitution in the 2020s
Peter Hennessy and Andrew Blick
Haus Publishing, 2024

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KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Beginning First Set 4
Easy Stories for Early Readers
Kecia Hicks
Keep Books, 2022
This set of four books offers easy reading to enjoy and practice at home.
Stories include: My Happy Heart; Just Like Me; Staying Safe; and Always Brush Your Teeth.

Age Level: 5-6
Grade Level: Beginning First
Reading level: D-E/5-8

KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

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Structure and Integration in a South Indian Village
Paul G. Hiebert
University of Minnesota Press, 1971

Konduru was first published in 1971. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

This is a detailed anthropological description and analysis of life in Konduru, a village in the central part of southern India about one hundred miles south of Hyderabad. The study is based on field work done by Professor Hiebert over a period of several years when he lived in the village, spoke its language, Telugu, and became closely acquainted with the people and their culture.

After sketching the geographic and historical setting of the village, Professor Hiebert describes and discusses the social structure, including the societal categories, the various castes, the social groups including family, patrilineage, associations, and communities, and hamlets, villages, and towns in the region. There are chapters on status and power, networks of interpersonal relationships, panchayats (the system of justice), and rituals. Finally, the author discusses changes which are taking place in the society and culture of Konduru and presents his conclusions. He points out that this study of Konduru illustrates the importance of the village within the social order but at the same time demonstrates that the village cannot be understood apart from the other social groups in which its members are involved and interrelated, and that these relationships are neither static nor simple. But, as he concludes, the village is, for the individual, the concrete expression of his society.

The book is illustrated with photographs, maps, and drawings. E. Adamson Hoebel, Regents' professor of anthropology at the University of Minnesota, writes a foreword.


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Korean Art from the 19th Century to the Present
Charlotte Horlyck
Reaktion Books, 2017
Walk the galleries of any major contemporary art museum and you are sure to see a work by a Korean artist. Interest in modern and contemporary art from South—as well as North—Korea has grown in recent decades, and museums and individual collectors have been eager to tap into this rising market. But few books have helped us understand Korean art and its significance in the art world, and even fewer have told the story of the formation of Korea’s contemporary cultural scene and the role artists have played in it. This richly illustrated history tackles these issues, exploring Korean art from the late-nineteenth century to the present day—a period that has seen enormous political, social, and economic change.

Charlotte Horlyck covers the critical and revolutionary period that stretches from Korean artists’ first encounters with oil paintings in the late nineteenth century to the varied and vibrant creative outputs of the twenty-first. She explores artists’ interpretations of new and traditional art forms ranging from oil and ink paintings to video art, multi-media installations, ready-mades, and performance art, showing how artists at every turn have questioned the role of art and artists within society. Opening up this fascinating world to general audiences, this book will appeal to anyone wanting to explore this rich and fascinating era in Korea’s cultural history.

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Kammie on First
Baseball’s Dottie Kamenshek
Michelle Houts
Ohio University Press, 2014

Dorothy Mary Kamenshek was born to immigrant parents in Norwood, Ohio. As a young girl, she played pickup games of sandlot baseball with neighborhood children; no one, however, would have suspected that at the age of seventeen she would become a star athlete at the national level.

The outbreak of World War II and the ensuing draft of able-bodied young men severely depleted the ranks of professional baseball players. In 1943, Philip K. Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs, led the initiative to establish a new league—a women’s league—to fill the ballparks while the war ground on in Europe and the Pacific. Kamenshek was selected and assigned to the Rockford Peaches in their inaugural season and played first base for a total of ten years, becoming a seven-time All-Star and holder of two league batting titles. When injuries finally put an end to her playing days, she went on to a successful and much quieter career in physical therapy. Fame came again in 1992, when Geena Davis portrayed a player loosely based on Kamenshek in the hit movie A League of Their Own.

Kammie on First is a real-life tale that will entertain and inspire young readers, both girls and boys. It is the first book in a new series, Biographies for Young Readers, from Ohio University Press.


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Kirtland Temple
The Biography of a Shared Mormon Sacred Space
David J. Howlett
University of Illinois Press, 2014
The only temple completed by Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith Jr., the Kirtland Temple in Kirtland, Ohio, receives 30,000 Mormon pilgrims every year. Though the site is sacred to all Mormons, the temple’s religious significance and the space itself are contested by rival Mormon dominations: its owner, the relatively liberal Community of Christ, and the larger Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
David J. Howlett sets the biography of Kirtland Temple against the backdrop of religious rivalry. The two sides have long contested the temple's ownership, purpose, and significance in both the courts and Mormon literature. Yet members of each denomination have occasionally cooperated to establish periods of co-worship, host joint tours, and create friendships. Howlett uses the temple to build a model for understanding what he calls parallel pilgrimage--the set of dynamics of disagreement and alliance by religious rivals at a shared sacred site. At the same time, he illuminates social and intellectual changes in the two main branches of Mormonism since the 1830s, providing a much-needed history of the lesser-known Community of Christ.

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King Alfred the Great, his Hagiographers and his Cult
A Childhood Remembered
Tomás Mario Kalmar
Amsterdam University Press, 2023
This book situates Alfred the Great in his hagiographic context. For 150 years, the fables told in the ninth century about Alfred’s childhood have posed interlocking disciplinary challenges to historians committed to evicting romance from history. Blending current Hagiography Studies with historical, literary, and biblical hermeneutics can help us forgo the anti-hagiographic commitments which motivated the scholars who purified the Victorian cult of Alfred by expunging his legends and salvaging his historicity. The book focusses on the typological functions of three Alfredian fables from the Old English Chronicle, the Old English Boethius, and Asser’s Vita Ælfredi, analyses the plot common to all three, critiques the psychological conjecture that Alfred’s childhood memory was their common source, and shows that synoptically they can help us see how Alfred shaped the curve of his own life’s destiny and how he engaged in the formation of his own cult to last a thousand years.

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Chandrasekhar Kambar
Seagull Books, 2017
Chandrasekhar Kambar is one of the most accomplished Indian writers working today. In each of Kambar’s novels, the archetypical Mother, Karimayi, is at the center. The narrative of Karimayi moves through an astounding time span, beginning with the mythopoetic times of Goddess Karimayi’s birth and continuing through the historical and cultural shifts in the life of a small rural community called Shivapura during the British colonial era.

Karimayi breaks the familiar narrative of an idyllic and traditional village community being destroyed by the incursion of modernity. Instead, the multilayered narrative of Karimayi weaves everything into itself—the story of the village’s past, the myth of Karimayi, the disorder that sets in with the invasion of colonial modernity and the lure of the city, and, most importantly, of the disruption of another form of “native” modernity that the village community has already begun to incorporate into its rhythms of life. Cleverly challenging colonial cartography, Kambar’s book plays with the idea of an eternal India that exists between myth and reality.

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Kane from Canada
Mary Kane
Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2016

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The Knitting and Fraying of Modern India
From Hindu Growth to Hindutva Democracy
Devesh Kapur and Arvind Subramanian
Harvard University Press

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Keywords in Evolutionary Biology
Evelyn Fox Keller
Harvard University Press

In science, more than elsewhere, a word is expected to mean what it says, nothing more, nothing less. But scientific discourse is neither different nor separable from ordinary language—meanings are multiple, ambiguities ubiquitous. Keywords in Evolutionary Biology grapples with this problem in a field especially prone to the confusion engendered by semantic imprecision.

Written by historians, philosophers, and biologists—including, among others, Stephen Jay Gould, Diane Paul, John Beatty, Robert Richards, Richard Lewontin, David Sloan Wilson, Peter Bowler, and Richard Dawkins—these essays identify and explicate those terms in evolutionary biology which, though commonly used, are plagues by multiple concurrent and historically varying meanings. By clarifying these terms in their many guises, the editors Evelyn Fox Keller and Elisabeth Lloyd hope to focus attention on major scholarly problems in the field—problems sometimes obscured, sometimes reveals, and sometimes even created by the use of such equivocal words. “Competition,” “adaptation,” and “fitness,” for instance, are among the terms whose multiple meaning have led to more than merely semantic debates in evolutionary biology.

Exploring the complexity of keywords and clarifying their role in prominent issues in the field, this book will prove invaluable to scientists and philosophers trying to come to terms with evolutionary theory; it will also serve as a useful guide to future research into the way in which scientific language works.


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The Kelley Statistical Tables, Rev. ed
Truman Lee Kelley
Harvard University Press
This volume constitutes a radical revision and extension of the author’s 1938 Tables. Herein is an extensive table of normal probability functions. 3-point interpolation coefficients are given with 4 figure arguments. These coefficients are compensatorily rounded off to five figures. A similar rounding off to seven figures of 4-point coefficients has been made. Truman Kelley’s method for normalizing variance ratios, which he presents together with tables facilitating the process, is of particular importance for experimental scientists.

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Kibler's Medical Terms for Interpreters
English to Japanese
Jeanette Kibler and Karl T. Rew
Michigan Publishing Services, 2018
Interpreters know that having the right word at the right time is essential. For health care interpreters, quickly finding specialty-specific words can be challenging. Kibler’s Medical Terms for Interpreters is a practical resource that will save you time.
通訳者は状況に合わせて的確な言葉を発することが非常に重要であることを承知しています。 医療通訳者にとって専門分野に特有の言葉を素早く探すことが困難な場合もあるでしょう。 「キブラーの通訳者向け医学用語集」は目的の擁護へ素早くたどりつくための実際に役立つ資料です。
• Speeds up your word-finding. Unlike a typical dictionary, Kibler’s Medical Terms for Interpreters is organized in sections by medical specialty, so you can quickly locate the specific words that will be useful for a patient encounter.
• Makes medical words easily accessible, from common terms to highly technical jargon.
• Reduces the need to search a dictionary for individual words while interpreting.
• Has proved to be a valuable resource for both beginning and veteran interpreters.
• Is easily used while interpreting or when preparing prior to an appointment.
• 用語の検索が速くなります。典型的な辞書とは異なり「キブラーの通訳者向け医学用語集」は専門分野ごとに分類されており、患者さんの診察時に特定の単語を素早く見つけることができます。
• 一般的な言葉から高度な専門用語まで様々な医療用語を簡単に利用することができます。
• 通訳中に特定の言葉を辞書で調べる手間が省けます。
• 初級の通訳者にも、ベテランの通訳者にも価値のある参考資料であることが実証されています。
• 通訳の途中でも事前の予習時でも簡単に使うことができます。

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Kibler's Medical Terms for Interpreters
Japanese to English
Jeanette Kibler and Karl T. Rew
Michigan Publishing Services, 2018
Interpreters know that having the right word at the right time is essential. For health care interpreters, quickly finding specialty-specific words can be challenging. Kibler’s Medical Terms for Interpreters is a practical resource that will save you time.
通訳者は状況に合わせて的確な言葉を発することが非常に重要であることを承知しています。 医療通訳者にとって専門分野に特有の言葉を素早く探すことが困難な場合もあるでしょう。 「キブラーの通訳者向け医学用語集」は目的の擁護へ素早くたどりつくための実際に役立つ資料です。
• Speeds up your word-finding. Unlike a typical dictionary, Kibler’s Medical Terms for Interpreters is organized in sections by medical specialty, so you can quickly locate the specific words that will be useful for a patient encounter.
• Makes medical words easily accessible, from common terms to highly technical jargon.
• Reduces the need to search a dictionary for individual words while interpreting.
• Has proved to be a valuable resource for both beginning and veteran interpreters.
• Is easily used while interpreting or when preparing prior to an appointment.
• 用語の検索が速くなります。典型的な辞書とは異なり「キブラーの通訳者向け医学用語集」は専門分野ごとに分類されており、患者さんの診察時に特定の単語を素早く見つけることができます。
• 一般的な言葉から高度な専門用語まで様々な医療用語を簡単に利用することができます。
• 通訳中に特定の言葉を辞書で調べる手間が省けます。
• 初級の通訳者にも、ベテランの通訳者にも価値のある参考資料であることが実証されています。
• 通訳の途中でも事前の予習時でも簡単に使うことができます。

front cover of Korean Cinema in Global Contexts
Korean Cinema in Global Contexts
Post-Colonial Phantom, Blockbuster and Trans-Cinema
Soyoung Kim
Amsterdam University Press, 2022
Offering the most comprehensive analysis of Korean cinema from its early history to the present, and including the films of Park Chan-wook, Bong Joon-ho and Kim Ki-young, Korean Cinema in Global Contexts: Postcolonial Phantom, Blockbuster and Trans-Cinema situates itself in the local, Inter-Asian, and transnational contexts by mobilizing the critical frameworks of feminism, postcolonial critique and comparative film studies. It is attentive to an enmeshment of the cinematic, aesthetics, politics and cultural history.

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Kong's Finest Hour
A Chronicle of Connections
Alexander Kluge
Seagull Books, 2021
In a world full of devils, the giant ape Kong defends what he loves the most. But who and what is this undomesticated animal? Might it reside within us? As we tread confidently, is this where the earth opens up beneath us?
In Kong’s Finest Hour, Alexander Kluge explores anew the accessible spaces where Kong dwells within us and in our million-year-old past. The more than two hundred stories contained in this volume form a chronicle of connections that together survey these spaces using diverse perspectives. These include stories about the folds of Kong’s nose, the voice of the author’s mother, the poet Heinrich von Kleist and Jack the Ripper, the indestructability of the political, and the supercontinent Pangaea that once unified the earth. Dissolving theory into storytelling has been Kluge’s lifelong pursuit, and this magnificent collection tells stories of people as well of things.
First in a series of Kluge’s Chronicles forthcoming from Seagull Books, Kong’s Finest Hour will delight those familiar with his writing as well as introduce readers to the brilliance of one of Germany’s greatest living writers.

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Karl Korsch
Revolutionary Theory
By Karl Korsch
University of Texas Press, 1977

There is growing interest in Europe and the United States in the work of the major German social-political philosopher Karl Korsch. Korsch participated in the turbulent struggles in Weimar Germany and while in exile continually reflected on history and politics. His work affords one of the most important interpretations of the role of Marxism in twentieth-century revolutionary movements, while developing an ongoing critical interrogation of Marxism. His thought provides an illuminating perspective on the process of revolution and counterrevolution in recent history. Karl Korsch: Revolutionary Theory is the first English anthology of his most important writings.

This collection presents Korsch's essays on a wide range of subjects, including Marxism and socialization, Lenin and the Soviet Union, the crisis of Marxism, models of revolutionary practice, fascism and counterrevolution, and Korsch's final evaluation of Marxism. Much of this work is translated into English for the first time, and many unknown essays first published in radical journals which are no longer available appear here. The volume includes Korsch's major essays written during the 1920s and 1930s as well as some of his later work.

Douglas Kellner's detailed introduction, "Korsch's Revolutionary Marxism," contains the first comprehensive critical interpretation of Korsch's work to appear in English. It provides a historical-theoretical reconstruction of Korsch's life and thought and roots his political theory in the sociopolitical context in which it evolved. The introduction has been described by Korsch scholars as a "first-class piece of exposition and interpretation" and a "serious, first-rate contribution likely to preempt the field in the English language." The editor's introduction along with the representative selection of essays provide firm grounding in the ideas and historical significance of Karl Korsch.


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Pages on Tadeusz Kantor
Jan Kott
Seagull Books, 2020
Tadeusz Kantor (1915–90) was renowned for his revolutionary theater performances in both his native Poland and abroad. Despite nominally being a Catholic, Kantor had a unique relationship with Jewish culture and incorporated many elements of Jewish theater into his works. In Kaddish, Jan Kott, an equally important figure in twentieth-century theater criticism, presents one of the most poignant descriptions of what might be called “the experience of Kantor.” At the core of the book is a fundamental philosophical question: What can save the memory of Kantor’s “Theatre of Death”—the Image, or the Word/Logos? Kott’s biblical answer in Kaddish is that Kantor’s theatre can be saved in its essence only by the Word, the Logos. This slim volume, Kott’s final work, is a distilled meditation that casts light on how two of the most prominent figures in Western theater reflected on the philosophy of the stage.

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King William's War
The First Contest for North America, 1689–1697
Michael Laramie
Westholme Publishing, 2017
Winner of the New York Society of Colonial Wars Annual Book Award
Fought in New York, New England, and Canada, the Conflict that Began the Long French and English Struggle for the New World 
While much has been written on the French and Indian War of 1754–1763, the colonial conflicts that preceded it have received comparatively little attention. Yet in King William’s War, the first clash between England and France for control of North America, the patterns of conflict for the next seventy years were laid, as were the goals and objectives of both sides, as well as the realization that the colonies of the two nations could not coexist.
   King William’s War actually encompassed several proxy wars being fought by the English and the French through their native allies. The Beaver Wars was a long running feud between the Iroquois Confederacy, New France, and New France’s native allies over control of the lucrative fur trade. Fueled by English guns and money, the Iroquois attempted to divert the French fur trade towards their English trading partners in Albany, and in the process gain control over other Indian tribes. To the east the pro-French Wabanaki of Maine, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick had earlier fought a war with New England, but English expansion and French urgings, aided by foolish moves and political blunders on the part of New England, erupted into a second Wabanaki War on the eve of King William’s War. Thus, these two conflicts officially became one with the arrival of news of a declaration of war between France and England in 1689. The next nine years saw coordinated attacks, including French assaults on Schenectady, New York, and Massachusetts, and English attacks around Montreal and on Nova Scotia. The war ended diplomatically, but started again five years later in Queen Anne’s War.
   A riveting history full of memorable characters and events, and supported by extensive primary source material, King William’s War: The First Contest for North America, 1689–1697 by Michael G. Laramie is the first book-length treatment of a war that proved crucial to the future of North America. 

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Kill the Overseer!
The Gamification of Slave Resistance
Sarah Juliet Lauro
University of Minnesota Press, 2020

Explores the representation of slave revolt in video games—and the trouble with making history playable

Kill the Overseer! profiles and problematizes digital games that depict Atlantic slavery and “gamify” slave resistance. In videogames emphasizing plantation labor, the player may choose to commit small acts of resistance like tool-breaking or working slowly. Others dramatically stage the slave’s choice to flee enslavement and journey northward, and some depict outright violent revolt against the master and his apparatus. In this work, Sarah Juliet Lauro questions whether the reduction of a historical enslaved person to a digital commodity in games such as Mission US, Assassin’s Creed, and Freedom Cry ought to trouble us as a further commodification of slavery’s victims, or whether these interactive experiences offer an empowering commemoration of the history of slave resistance. 

Forerunners is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital works. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship.


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Keeping Time
A Novel
Thomas Legendre
Acre Books, 2020
A crumbling marriage. An ancient mystery. And a way to change the past . . . 

When archaeologist Aaron Keeler finds himself transported eighteen years backward in time, he becomes swept up in a strangely illicit liaison with his younger wife. A brilliant musician, Violet is captivated by the attentive, “weathered” version of her husband. The Aaron she recently married—an American expat—has become distant, absorbed by his excavation of a prehistoric site at Kilmartin Glen on Scotland’s west coast, where he will soon make the discovery that launches his career. As Aaron travels back and forth across the span of nearly two decades, with time passing in both worlds, he faces a threat to his revelatory dig, a crisis with the older Violet—mother of his two young children—and a sudden deterioration of his health. Meanwhile, Violet’s musical performances take on a resonance related to the secrets the two are uncovering in both time frames. With their children and Aaron’s lives at risk, he and Violet try to repair the damage before it’s too late.

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Svenja Leiber
Seagull Books, 2024
A gripping and emotionally resonant saga that traces the lives of five generations of resilient women from the late nineteenth century to the dawn of the twenty-first.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century in East Prussia, a woman named Kazimira strolls the remote shores of the Baltic Sea, bringing home bits of amber that wash up on the beach. Her husband Antas is the region’s best carver, and he catches the attention of Moritz Hirschberg, owner of a nearby amber factory. Antas rises through the ranks, but Kazimira has the best ideas for processing and cutting the stones. Although establishing a new mine on such shifting terrain is hazardous, the venture finally pays off. It brings success, but envy and resentment swiftly follow, as antisemitism and nationalism sweep across the German Empire. Kazimira soon learns she must go her own way, as the Hirshbergs are expelled and World War I shatters her son. Three decades later, at the end of World War II, she becomes the last witness of German war crimes committed on West Beach, formerly a place of prosperity and progress.

At the dawn of the twenty-first century in Russia, a woman named Nadia operates an excavator in a massive open-pit amber mine until she is told to go sell trinkets alongside all the other shopgirls. In alternating passages weaving together vastly different eras across the span of a century and a half, Svenja Leiber’s Kazimira tells the story of the largest amber-mining operation in history, and its lasting effects expose pressing questions: Where do hatred and violence come from? What happens when life is declared worthless? Beginning with Kazimira and her bold struggle for self-determination, this saga follows five generations of women who envision an alternative world.

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Kinship and Casework
Hope Jensen Leichter
Russell Sage Foundation, 1967
Reaffirms the importance of the larger kinship network through analysis of extensive data on the clients of one social agency. The authors show that the less kinship-oriented caseworkers often attempt to change clients' kin relationships in the direction of less involvement, raising questions about value differences in therapeutic practice. The book also points to the importance of concepts, such as those dealing with family kinship, that will enable the caseworker to appraise the client's social relationships more fully. The authors emphasize the benefits to be derived from a closer liaison between social work and social science.

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KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Kindergarten Science Set 1
Weather-Related Concepts
Marsha Levering
Keep Books, 2020
This set of four books offers engaging stories that combine features of early literacy learning while exploring weather-related concepts from Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.
Stories include: Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter.

Stories include: Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter.

Age Level: 5/6
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Reading level: not leveled

KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.


front cover of KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Kindergarten Science Set 2
KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Kindergarten Science Set 2
Weather-Related Concepts
Marsha Levering
Keep Books, 2020

This set of four books offers engaging stories that combine features of early literacy learning while exploring weather-related concepts from Common Core  State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.

Stories include: May, Rain, December, & Is It Hot or Cold?

Age Level: 5/6
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Reading level: not leveled

KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.


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Kaiparowits Plateau and Glen Canyon Prehistory
An Interpretation Based on Ceramics UUAP 71
Florence C. Lister
University of Utah Press, 1964
AKA Glen Canyon Series Number 23. This study examines the pottery found on the Kaiparowits Plateau to try to answer questions about the relationships and movements of the Fremont, Virgin, and Anasazi peoples. 

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Klondike Saga
The Chronicle of a Minnesota Gold Mining Company
Carl L. Lokke
University of Minnesota Press, 1965

Klondike Saga was first published in 1965. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

This is the story of the Monitor Gold Mining and Trading Company, an organization of sixteen Minnesotans who went to the Canadian Klondike region in the late 1890's to prospect for gold. It is based on diaries and letters written by the men during their venture. Most of the company members were of Scandinavian origin, recent immigrants to America, and a number of the letters were written to Nye Normanden, a Norwegian-language newspaper published in Minneapolis at the time.

The leader of the company, Lars Gunderson, was the grandfather of the late Carl L. Lokke, author of the book. Mr. Lokke, a historian, was chief of the foreign affairs branch of the National Archives at the time of his death in 1960.

This is the first book issued under a joint publishing arrangement between the University of Minnesota Press and the Norwegian-American Historical Association. It is Volume 7 in the association's Travel and Description Series. There is a preface by Kenneth O. Bjork, editor of the association, and Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska writes a foreword.


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The Kalevala
Or, Poems of the Kaleva District
Elias Lönnrot
Harvard University Press, 1991
The national folk epic of Finland is here presented in an English translation that is both scholarly and eminently readable. To avoid the imprecision and metrical monotony of earlier verse translations, Francis Magoun has used prose, printed line for line as in the original so that repetitions, parallelisms, and variations are readily apparent. The lyrical passages and poetic images, the wry humor, the tall-tale extravagance, and the homely realism of the Kalevala come through with extraordinary effectiveness.

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Kurdish Women's Stories
Houzan Mahmoud
Pluto Press, 2020

'A fascinating, inspiring journey' - Meredith Tax, author of A Road Unforeseen

Kurdistan has had a tumultuous history, and the women who lived there have experienced life like no other. From Saddam Hussein’s reign of terror beginning in the 1960s, to the fight against ISIS today, violence, revolution, and questions around identity, agency, survival, and resistance have been at the forefront of women’s lives for decades.

This book is a collection of these women’s stories written in their own words. Each story reveals a tapestry of experiences, including political activism under Saddam and armed resistance in Rojava’s PKK and YPG and Komala in Rojhalat. This is in addition to experiences of FGM and overcoming victimhood, life under extreme conservatism, as well as a look into the work of artists, poets, novelists, and performers whose work represents a complicated relationship with Kurdistan.

These rich and nuanced insights come from a group of women from a nation without a state, who are now scattered across the world. Collectively, they take the reader on a journey that will inspire feminist, anti-fascist, and anti-racist people across the world.


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Killed by a Traffic Engineer
Shattering the Delusion that Science Underlies our Transportation System
Wes Marshall
Island Press, 2024
In the US we are nearing four million road deaths since we began counting them in 1899. The numbers are getting worse in recent years, yet we continue to accept these deaths as part of doing business. There has been no examination of why we engineer roads that are literally killing us.  

Fixing the carnage on our roadways requires a change in mindset and a dramatic transformation of transportation. This goes for traffic engineers in particular because they are still the ones in charge of our streets.

In Killed by a Traffic Engineer, civil engineering professor Wes Marshall shines a spotlight on how little science there is behind the way that our streets are engineered, which leaves safety as an afterthought. While traffic engineers are not trying to cause deliberate harm to anyone, he explains, they are guilty of creating a transportation system whose designs remain largely based on plausible, but unproven, conjecture.

Thoroughly researched and compellingly written, Killed by a Traffic Engineer shows how traffic engineering “research” is outdated and unexamined (at its best) and often steered by an industry and culture considering only how to get from point A to B the fastest way possible, to the detriment of safety, quality of life, equality, and planetary health. Marshall examines our need for speed and how traffic engineers disconnected it from safety, the focus on capacity and how it influences design, blaming human error, relying on faulty data, how liability drives reporting, measuring road safety outcomes, and the education (and reeducation) of traffic engineers.

Killed by a Traffic Engineer is ultimately hopeful about what is possible once we shift our thinking and demand streets engineered for the safety of people, both outside and inside of cars. It will make you look at your city and streets—and traffic engineers— in a new light and inspire you to take action.

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Karl Marx on Society and Social Change
With Selections by Friedrich Engels
Karl Marx
University of Chicago Press, 1975
This is an auto-narrated audiobook version of this book.

This volume presents those writings of Marx that best reveal his contribution to sociology, particularly to the theory of society and social change. The editor, Neil J. Smelser, has divided these selections into three topical sections and has also included works by Friedrich Engels.

The first section, "The Structure of Society," contains Marx's writings on the material basis of classes, the basis of the state, and the basis of the family. Among the writings included in this section are Marx's well-known summary from the Preface of A Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy and his equally famous observations on the functional significance of religion in relation to politics.

The second section is titled "The Sweep of Historical Change." The first selection here contains Marx's first statement of the main precapitalist forms of production. The second selection focuses on capitalism, its contradictions, and its impending destruction. Two brief final selections treat the nature of communism, particularly its freedom from the kinds of contradictions that have plagued all earlier forms of societies.

The last section, "The Mechanisms of Change," reproduces several parts of Marx's analysis of the mechanisms by which contradictions develop in capitalism and generate group conflicts. Included is an analysis of competition and its effects on the various classes, a discussion of economic crises and their effects on workers, and Marx's presentation of the historical specifics of the class struggle.

In his comprehensive Introduction to the selections, Professor Smelser provides a biography of Marx, indentifies the various intellectual traditions which formed the background for Marx's writings, and discusses the selections which follow. The editor describes Marx's conception of society as a social system, the differences between functionalism and Marx's theories, and the dynamics of economic and political change as analyzed by Marx.

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Kashmir as a Borderland
The Politics of Space and Belonging across the Line of Control
Antía Mato Bouzas
Amsterdam University Press, 2019
*Kashmir as a Borderland: The Politics of Space and Belonging across the Line of Control* examines the Kashmir dispute from both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) and within the theoretical frame of border studies. It draws on the experiences of those living in these territories such as divided families, traders, cultural and social activists. Kashmir is a borderland, that is, a context for spatial transformations, where the resulting interactions can be read as a process of ‘becoming’ rather than of ‘being’. The analysis of this borderland shows how the conflict is manifested in territory, in specific locations with a geopolitical meaning, evidencing the discrepancy between ‘representation’ and the ‘living’. The author puts forward the concept of belonging as a useful category for investigating more inclusive political spaces.

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KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Beginning First Set 1
Easy Stories for Early Readers
Andrea McCarrier
Keep Books, 2019
This set of four books offers engaging, easy to read stories in this set reinforce good health and nutrition for young children.
Stories include: Treats for Barney, Fingers, Fork, or Spoon?, Just One Bite, & Sundaes for Breakfast.
Age Level: 5-6
Grade Level: Beginning First
Reading level: C-D/4-7
KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

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Kiowa, Apache, and Comanche Military Societies
Enduring Veterans, 1800 to the Present
By William C. Meadows
University of Texas Press, 1999

A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Book

For many Plains Indians, being a warrior and veteran has long been the traditional pathway to male honor and status. Men and boys formed military societies to celebrate victories in war, to perform community service, and to prepare young men for their role as warriors and hunters. By preserving cultural forms contained in song, dance, ritual, language, kinship, economics, naming, and other semireligious ceremonies, these societies have played an important role in maintaining Plains Indian culture from the pre-reservation era until today.

In this book, Williams C. Meadows presents an in-depth ethnohistorical survey of Kiowa, Apache, and Comanche military societies, drawn from extensive interviews with tribal elders and military society members, unpublished archival sources, and linguistic data. He examines their structure, functions, rituals, and martial symbols, showing how they fit within larger tribal organizations. And he explores how military societies, like powwows, have become a distinct public format for cultural and ethnic continuity.


front cover of Kimono
A Modern History
Terry Satsuki Milhaupt
Reaktion Books, 2014

What is the kimono? Everyday garment? Art object? Symbol of Japan? As this book shows, the kimono has served all of these roles, its meaning changing across time and with the perspective of the wearer or viewer.
            Kimono: A Modern History begins by exposing the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century foundations of the modern kimono fashion industry. It explores the crossover between ‘art’ and ‘fashion’ in this period at the hands of famous Japanese painters who worked with clothing pattern books and painted directly onto garments. With Japan’s exposure to Western fashion in the nineteenth century, and Westerners’ exposure to Japanese modes of dress and design, the kimono took on new associations and came to symbolize an exotic culture and an alluring female form. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the kimono industry was sustained through government support. The line between fashion and art became blurred as kimonos produced by famous designers were collected for their beauty and displayed in museums, rather than being worn as clothing. Today, the kimono has once again taken on new dimensions, as the Internet and social media proliferate images of the kimono as a versatile garment to be integrated into a range of individual styles.
            Kimono: A Modern History, the inspiration for a major exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York,not only tells the story of a distinctive garment’s ever-changing functions and image, but provides a novel perspective on Japan’s modernization and encounter with the West.


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KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions pre-K/Kindergarten Set 2
Stories to Start Learning to Read
Amanda Morley
Keep Books, 2019
This set of four books include traditional nursery rhymes and are formatted with clear text and engaging illustrations.
Stories include: Jack and Jill; Old Mother Hubbard; Humpty Dumpty; & One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.
Age Level: 3-5
Grade Level: preK-Kindergarten
Reading level: not leveled
KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

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Keepers of the Golden Shore
A History of the United Arab Emirates
Michael Quentin Morton
Reaktion Books, 2016
For those who visit the United Arab Emirates (UAE), staying in its the lavish hotels and browsing in the ultra-modern shopping malls of Abu Dhabi or Dubai, the country can be a mystery, a glass and concrete creation that seems to have sprung from the desert overnight. Keepers of the Golden Shore looks behind this glossy façade, illuminating the region’s history, which stretches from the ancient Arabian tribes who controlled a desolate but economically important shoreline to the ostentatious architectural wonders—bankrolled by a massive wealth of oil—that characterize it today.
As Michael Quentin Morton recounts, the region now known as the UAE likely began as a trading post between Mesopotamia and Oman, and since that time has been the stage of important economic and cultural exchanges. It has seen the rise and fall of a thriving pearl industry, piracy, invasions and wars, and the arrival of the oil age that would make it one of the richest countries on earth. Since the early 1970s, when seven sheikhs agreed to enter into a union, it has been a sovereign nation, carrying on the resourceful spirit—with resplendent fervor—that the brutally inhospitable landscape has long demanded of the people. Ultimately, Morton shows that the country is not only rich in oil and money but in an extraordinarily deep history and culture. 

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Key Concepts in Public Archaeology
Edited by Gabriel Moshenska
University College London, 2017
This book presents an overview of the key concepts in public archaeology—a field that examines the relationship between archaeology and the public—and seeks to clarify the discipline by adopting a socially and politically engaged vision. The individual chapters introduce the themes, theories, and controversies that connect archaeology to society by providing case studies that survey the trade in illicit antiquities and how digital media are used to promote public engagement with the field. Written for both students and practitioners alike, the book also will be an essential resource for pointing readers to further scholarship.

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The Kidney and the Cane
Planetary Health and Plantation Labor in Nicaragua
Alex M. Nading
Duke University Press, 2025
The recent unprecedented growth of Nicaragua’s sugarcane industry has brought promises of more jobs, better healthcare, and cleaner energy. But these promises have been overshadowed by an epidemic of chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes (CKDnt). Unknown before the late 1990s, this disease has sickened and killed thousands of sugarcane plantation workers. Scientific studies link the disease to rises in mean average annual temperatures, chronic water scarcity, and the overuse of toxic agrochemicals. CKDnt is now understood as a consequence of global climate change. In The Kidney and the Cane, Alex M. Nading situates this epidemic within a deeper history of sugarcane plantation violence, arguing that CKDnt is not a result of climate change, it is climate change. Outlining a place-based approach to planetary health, Nading follows activists, scientists, and sugarcane zone residents wrestling with the consequences of plantation life. Along the way, he raises critical questions about the capacity of corporations and states to care for people and ecosystems; the ability of citizens and experts to regulate toxic substances; and the future of work on a warming planet.

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Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism
The Origins of Continental Philosophy
Edited by Thomas J. Nenon
University of Chicago Press, 2010

From Kant to Kierkegaard, from Hegel to Heidegger, continental philosophers have indelibly shaped the trajectory of Western thought since the eighteenth century. Although much has been written about these monumental thinkers, students and scholars lack a definitive guide to the entire scope of the continental tradition. The most comprehensive reference work to date, this eight-volume History of Continental Philosophy will both encapsulate the subject and reorient our understanding of it. Beginning with an overview of Kant’s philosophy and its initial reception, the History traces the evolution of continental philosophy through major figures as well as movements such as existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, and poststructuralism. The final volume outlines the current state of the field, bringing the work of both historical and modern thinkers to bear on such contemporary topics as feminism, globalization, and the environment. Throughout, the volumes examine important philosophical figures and developments in their historical, political, and cultural contexts.

The first reference of its kind, A History of Continental Philosophy has been written and edited by internationally recognized experts with a commitment to explaining complex thinkers, texts, and movements in rigorous yet jargon-free essays suitable for both undergraduates and seasoned specialists. These volumes also elucidate ongoing debates about the nature of continental and analytic philosophy, surveying the distinctive, sometimes overlapping characteristics and approaches of each tradition. Featuring helpful overviews of major topics and plotting road maps to their underlying contexts, A History of Continental Philosophy is destined to be the resource of first and last resort for students and scholars alike.


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The Knights Templar
Helen J. Nicholson
Arc Humanities Press, 2021
Over seven hundred years after the pope dissolved their Order, the Templars remain as controversial as ever. How could warriors also be monks? What did they really believe in? Why did they fail to protect the Holy Land? What impact did they have on society? Why were they dissolved–-were they really heretics? Based on the medieval evidence and the latest research by modern scholars, this book surveys some key areas of the Templars' history. It argues that despite their wide landholdings and apparent power the Templars‘ influence depended on the patronage of popes and kings, and that they were destroyed when their most powerful patron had more to gain than lose from their dissolution.

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The Ohio State University Press, 2006
Starting under President Edward Jennings and continuing under Gordon Gee, The Ohio State University began a long-term drive to match the school’s ranking in football with a commensurate reputation for academic excellence. Initiatives to admit better-prepared students, attract and retain world-class faculty, and build highly rated programs were promising, but the university needed a broad strategy to coordinate these and other initiatives into a focused approach.
Enter President William “Brit” Kirwan, who understood this need perfectly and whose major legacy became widely known as the Academic Plan. This document became and remains the centerpiece of Ohio State’s agenda, with budget and other priorities emanating from its six strategies and 14 initiatives.

Continuing the Ohio State tradition of chronicling the university’s history through the work of its past presidents, The Kirwan Years recounts the Academic Plan’s creation, acceptance, and initial implementation, along with many major university accomplishments from mid-1998 through mid-2002. It also details the university’s ongoing, uphill struggle to maximize state financial support and its success in private and other fundraising. It provides a compelling look at the complexity permeating today’s research universities. And yes, it describes the firing of football coach John Cooper and the hiring of Jim Tressel.

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Kenneth Arrow and the Changing Economics of Health Care, Volume 26
Mark A. Peterson, ed.
Duke University Press
This special issue of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law centers on Nobel laureate Kenneth J. Arrow’s seminal article "Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care." When the essay first appeared in 1963, health economics did not exist as an established field, and there was a professional and social bias against thinking about health care in economic terms. Arrow’s trailblazing article laid the foundation for modern health economics and has guided its direction for four decades.

Now the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law examines this legacy, opening with a foreword by Mark V. Pauly, one of the first to publish a response to Arrow’s original article and a major voice in health economics today. A reprint of the article itself serves as a springboard from which contributors assess the accuracy of Arrow’s portrayal of the United States health care system in the early sixties and evaluate how the system has progressed since that time. The contributors to this remarkable collection include some of the most distinguished scholars in the health policy field.

Designed to be an effective reference tool, this issue sets Arrow’s original article apart from the rest by printing it on tinted paper. The contributors’ responses to Arrow are divided into four parts—Part 1: Supply, Demand, and Health Care Competition; Part 2: Risk, Insurance, and Redistribution; Part 3: Information, Knowledge, and Medical Markets; Part 4: Social Norms and Professionalism.


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Korean Cuisine
An Illustrated History
Michael J. Pettid
Reaktion Books, 2008
The spicy tang of kimchi, the richness of Korean barbecue, the hearty flavors of bibimbap: Korean cuisine is savored the world over for its diversity of ingredients and flavors. Michael Pettid offers here a lushly illustrated historical account of Korean food and its intricate relationship with the nation’s culture.

Over the last twelve centuries, Korean food dishes and their complex preparations have evolved along with the larger cultural and political upheaval experienced by the nation. Pettid charts this historical development of the cuisine, exploring the ways that regional distinctions and historical transformations played out in the Korean diet—including the effects of wartime food shortages and preparation techniques. Underlying all these dishes are complicated philosophical and aesthetic considerations, and Pettid delves into their impact on everything from the rituals associated with group meals or drinks with friends to the strict rules governing combinations of dishes and ingredients according to temperature, texture, spices, color, and consistency.

Featuring a batch of mouthwatering recipes and over a hundred vivid photographs of a striking array of dishes, Korean Cuisine is an incisive and engaging investigation into the relationship between Korean culture and food that will spice up the bookshelves of foodies and scholars alike.

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The Dialogic Construction of Balinese Identity
Michel Picard
National University of Singapore Press, 2024
An investigation into the complex forces that shape Balinese identity.

Over the past one hundred years, the Balinese have been challenged by colonial occupation, political turbulence, and, most recently, tourism. In response, they have come to rely on the idea of “Kebalian,” or Balinese-ness. Kebalian is likened to a tree whose roots are religion (agama), the trunk is tradition (adat), and the fruits, Balinese culture (budaya). To understand how this sense of Balinese-ness came to be, Michel Picard examines the dialogues that the Balinese have engaged in both among themselves and with outsiders by conducting over a hundred interviews with Balinese opinion leaders, officials, and religious reformers. A key throughline in the construction of Kebalian is what Picard identifies as a twofold process of “religionization” and “Hinduization.” This process began with the first years of the incorporation of Bali into the Dutch East Indies and became more urgent with Indonesia’s independence. Kebalian today encompasses the tension between those Balinese eager to defend their customary ritual practices and advocates of Hinduism who deny that such local traditions qualify as agama. Kebalian presents a fascinating picture of religious change, identities in motion, and culture. Scholars of religion, cultural change, and Southeast Asian area studies will find this to be a fascinating and important book.

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KEEP BOOKS Digital Editions Beginning First Set 3
Easy Stories for Early Readers
Gay Su Pinnell
Keep Books, 2019
This set of four books offers easy reading to enjoy and practice at home.
Stories include: Gingerbread Girl, Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Keeping Warm, & Let’s Pretend.
Age Level: 5-6
Grade Level: Beginning First
Reading level: C-D/3-5
KEEP BOOKS digital editions include text features and design elements that give beginning readers what they need to start reading on their own with high interest titles that they can easily manage.

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The Kindly Ones
Book 6 of A Dance to the Music of Time
Anthony Powell
University of Chicago Press, 1995

Anthony Powell’s universally acclaimed epic A Dance to the Music of Time offers a matchless panorama of twentieth-century London. Now, for the first time in decades, readers in the United States can read the books of Dance as they were originally published—as twelve individual novels—but with a twenty-first-century twist: they’re available only as e-books.

As volume six, The Kindly Ones (1962), opens, rumblings from Germany recall memories of Nick Jenkins’s boyhood and his father’s service in World War I; it seems clear that all too soon, uniforms will be back in fashion. The looming threat throws the ordinary doings of life into stark relief, as Nick and his friends continue to negotiate the pitfalls of adult life. Moreland’s marriage founders, Peter Templer’s wife—his second—is clearly going mad, and Widmerpool is, disturbingly, gaining prominence in the business world even as he angles for power in the coming conflict. War, with all its deaths and disruptions, is on the way. 

"Anthony Powell is the best living English novelist by far. His admirers are addicts, let us face it, held in thrall by a magician."--Chicago Tribune

"A book which creates a world and explores it in depth, which ponders changing relationships and values, which creates brilliantly living and diverse characters and then watches them grow and change in their milieu. . . . Powell's world is as large and as complex as Proust's."--Elizabeth Janeway, New York Times

"One of the most important works of fiction since the Second World War. . . . The novel looked, as it began, something like a comedy of manners; then, for a while, like a tragedy of manners; now like a vastly entertaining, deeply melancholy, yet somehow courageous statement about human experience."--Naomi Bliven, New Yorker


“The most brilliant and penetrating novelist we have.”--Kingsley Amis


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Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices
Edited by Dee Reynolds and Matthew Reason
Intellect Books, 2012

A key interdisciplinary concept in our understanding of social interaction across creative and cultural practices, kinesthetic empathy describes the ability to experience empathy merely by observing the movements of another human being. Encouraging readers to sidestep the methodological and disciplinary boundaries associated with the arts and sciences, Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices offers innovative and critical perspectives on topics ranging from art to sport, film to physical therapy.


front cover of The Karankawa Indians of Texas
The Karankawa Indians of Texas
An Ecological Study of Cultural Tradition and Change
By Robert A. Ricklis
University of Texas Press, 1996

Popular lore has long depicted the Karankawa Indians as primitive scavengers (perhaps even cannibals) who eked out a meager subsistence from fishing, hunting and gathering on the Texas coastal plains. That caricature, according to Robert Ricklis, hides the reality of a people who were well-adapted to their environment, skillful in using its resources, and successful in maintaining their culture until the arrival of Anglo-American settlers.

The Karankawa Indians of Texas is the first modern, well-researched history of the Karankawa from prehistoric times until their extinction in the nineteenth century. Blending archaeological and ethnohistorical data into a lively narrative history, Ricklis reveals the basic lifeway of the Karankawa, a seasonal pattern that took them from large coastal fishing camps in winter to small, dispersed hunting and gathering parties in summer. In a most important finding, he shows how, after initial hostilities, the Karankawa incorporated the Spanish missions into their subsistence pattern during the colonial period and coexisted peacefully with Euroamericans until the arrival of Anglo settlers in the 1820s and 1830s. These findings will be of wide interest to everyone studying the interactions of Native American and European peoples.


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